Idle could lose Urtier and Senji
8 Dec 2006, 08:29
After a school shooting in Germany on the 20th of November, German Politicians are pointing the finger the direction of violent video games after it was discovered that the criminal played CounterStrike a "killer game". Germany currently has one of the strictest gaming laws in the world, with GIGA unable to show ET until after 23.00 CET, hense the scheduling for this seasons IPS.
Jörg Schönbohm, the interior minister of the eastern state of Brandenburg said:
Germany is one of the largest gaming nations, and a strong force in the professional gaming arena. Events such as cebit and games convention top even the biggest American Entertainment shows and any potential changes to law put an estimated 2 billion euro and 1.7 million gamers future at risk.
Many people have long sought a way to beat idle, it appears that crazy politicians may be the answer after all. In other news, zeroPoint & aMenti have filed complaints with Clanbase stating that Night is actually German and the long lost brother of Pumu.
Source: Gotfrag
Jörg Schönbohm, the interior minister of the eastern state of Brandenburg said:
Germany is one of the largest gaming nations, and a strong force in the professional gaming arena. Events such as cebit and games convention top even the biggest American Entertainment shows and any potential changes to law put an estimated 2 billion euro and 1.7 million gamers future at risk.
Many people have long sought a way to beat idle, it appears that crazy politicians may be the answer after all. In other news, zeroPoint & aMenti have filed complaints with Clanbase stating that Night is actually German and the long lost brother of Pumu.
Source: Gotfrag
So many crap on the subject lately...
americans dont know the difference between sweden and switzerland, and 30% of them think that the moon is made of cheese
And the funniest part... 4/10 Americans think France is Australia on a map :D
moon = cheese
so croatia MUST be food
thats all they think about :DD
nothing will happen
Like gambit said nothing will happen.
Toss.. we had this discussion too often, and there are allready politicians who say that it's bullshit to blame it on the video-games. In my opinion _thats_ worth a news post ;)
muß nur alle heiligen Zeiten mal ein gambit eins um die ohren hauen , hat sich gerade so angeboten ;)
Whatever happened to labeling things as just "someone being fucking crazy"?
watch it bitch, I might just bring a gun with me to the next lan.
think, it would be cool to see banners like, Gaming good! Drugs bad!MKAY
or Minister is an a$$h013
like in finland.... a year ago Finnish Politicians made a law what says that "downloading and sharing a copyright material isn't allowed" .... yeah... ISP won't do anything to help those "controllers".... they don't even wanna lose a single customer... Finnish Police hasn't enough capacity... so who can help? =)
same thing in this situation.... they can say no for games which are in shops.... but stoping online gaming isn't even possible.... just like downloading a material what is under a copyright law...
back to do some works.... and have a nice weekend!
I'm sure Politicians are examinating deep inside the effect of shit over comportemental issues ...
beware !
Thought I did smth good for my own country :o And now I'm not allowed to drive in yermany for a year :D
And they should put stickers on video games liek "Gaming Kills" or "you might lose your real life" just like on cigarettes.
btw ur stupid.. driving away...
i wouldnt make jokes about explosives or bombs if i am at airport - so what do u think can paople imagine if they read ur post in a gaming forum? hf with police :D
Cmon, when I was still growin up, everyone played pacman, if that shit would of effected us, we would be eatin colorful pills, running around in dark rooms and listening to shitty electronic dance music.
And for people who didnt get irony, your just way too stupid for this community.
"If Pacman had affected us as kids we'd be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive music."
It was written by Marcus Brigstocke a loooongass time ago. Shame on you for being so cheeky to portray this as something you thought up yourself.
If they really cared about human lives they would have banned things like tobacco and unhealthy food long ago, this whole video game debate is just a poor excuse for bad parenting.
germany already has the laws to ban kill0r-games
we have like the hardest restrictions on pc games in the world :<
Hab gestern nen Bericht gesehen, ich glaub NTV oder so, jedenfalls war der sehr anti Videogames. Irgendne Soziologin hat sich tierisch darüber beklagt, daß es in Deutschland gar keine Zensierung mehr gibt. Die 5 Games, die jährlich verboten werden, sind lachhaft - und alles andere was nicht gerade "Doom3" oder so heißt, geht mit USK16 durch.
Man bedenke, daß die USK von CS nach Erfurt sogar auf 16 wieder runtergesetzt wurde. Ich kann mich erinnern, daß noch vor ca. 8 Jahren Leichen bei Resident Evil verschwanden, bei Tombraider grünes Blut spritzte und Spiele wie Apocalypse & Die Hard sofort aufm Index standen!
Die Hard war damals USK18, nachn paar Wochen durfte es gar nicht mehr verkauft werden, trotzdem hab ich es als 13 oder 14jähriger in nem Laden in Augsburg gekauft.
USK und Zensur warn in germany immer schon fürn arsch ;)
auf jeden fall hab ich einen seriösen bericht gesehen, in dem ein fachmann aus der computerspieleentwicklung gesagt hat, dass wir hier sowieso schon den härtesten jugendschutz haben
und in anderen ländern koennte man solche spiele nicht einmal auf den index setzen :l
Und Realismus is imo sowieso sowas ähnliches wie "Geschmackssache", sprich Ansichtssache des Betrachters - GTA1 (in 2D) fand ich damals auch sehr realistisch ;)
Neues Bsp:
C&C Teil1&2 und ich glaub bei Generals wars auch so:
Die ganze Welt schießt auf Russen & Amis - in Deutschland mußten sie aus den Soldaten "Cyborgs" machen
Also ich für meinen Teil hab mich oft aufgeregt früher, über grünes Blut, zensierte Games oder USK´s. Heute hat mein 8-jähriger Bruder keine Probleme im Saturn GTA (USK 16) fürn PSP zu kaufen, verbotene Spiele gibts vorm Release im Inet zum Download und CS darfste offiziell auf der LAN mit 16 daddeln
nur mal so btw vor knapp 5 jahren galten LAN´s in Deutschland als Spielhallen - also ab 18 und drunter ging nix. Heute kannste mit 16 offiziell auf ne LAN, in nen "ab18-Bereich" mit Einwilligung der Eltern...times r changing
so why dont you ban the normal news from TV?
As if they are "unreal"
And yes thats my school germish.
ill go to... korea ... YEAH KOREA, thats rulez
i heard that some time ago in poland a boy killed or almost killed his mother, because she turned off his pc and he lost his account (TIBIA or smth like that). there was a news in every journal on every tv channel at 19:00, 19:30, ofc again some very well-educated professor showed up on the screen and said that games blablabla. they even made few discussions in tv about bad influence on young ppl blablabla.
every time some patology occurs, everytime some young 12-year-old emo comes to school with a gun and shoots to people, everytime some idiot makes custom cs map which looks like his own school (rly happend), there will always be a talk about blablabla.
all we should do imo, is to let them whine, they will forget about it faster than some two-week clan exist, and ofc will do nothing.
btw, thrilling, attentionwhore topic: 'omfg - ze I D L E could lose U r t i e r and S e n j i !!!!! End of world!!!! :)
Ho you didnt know?
Since mediocracy is the sickness of this world, politicians should focus on education and development-aid for 3rd world countries, instead of giving in to these populistic statements to cocksuck some votes in.
Fucking retards!
If theres gonna be some protest in germany I will come all the way from Finland with fucking bazooka wich I will buy from Russia mafia and shoot that fucking fart!
If theres gonna be some protest in germany I will come all the way from Finland with fucking bazooka wich I will buy from Russia mafia and shoot that fucking fart!"