ESL Winter League Playoffs Week 1

image: 73948We are proud to present you the ESL playoff stage. After a dramatic groupstage, all teams are ready to fight for their victory in each division. Like almost every Sunday, many matches will be broadcasted in ETTV on

The listed matches below will be played today. It's possible, that people will add some matches, so keep watching the schedule on At this point: Many thanks to all broadcasters, who make it possible.

ESL Instant Fall Cup #20

image: fallbuttonThe Instant Fall Cup Series is close to its end. This is the 20th and last edition of that series before the ESL ET Winter League will start next week. Once again you have the chance to get an advantage in the groupstage seedings by playing in this cup. Read on for all details!
Suprise, Suprise! The Crossfire Challenge 5 mappool (look below) will be used again.

Our last 1dayCup gave us following results, which are listed below.
The match can be watched with GamesTV's function "Replay On Demand" -> right here.

Portugal don't care
Europe re-play
Finland turbo

Final Bracket

Use this cup for warmup purposes for the evening!
Detailed information of the 6on6 Instant Fall Cup #19 as follows:

Date: Sunday, 23rd November 2008 17:00 CET

Signup: Here & Checkin between 16:30 - 16:40 CET (Late signups possible from 16.40 CET)
Slots: 16 + confirm your slot 30 mins before the cup starts
Modus: Single Elimination (without looserbracket), 1 map => 2 rounds, forced maps
Mappool: sw_goldrush_te, bremen_b2, supply, radar, adlernest, frostbite, sp_delivery_te (Get it!)
Config: New ESL 6on6 config (Get it!)

  • Stopwatch mode
  • If both teams did a fullhold, callvote cointoss and eliminate maps. Cointoss winner starts to eliminate.
  • If teams can't agree who attacks first, make a cointoss vote
  • For entering results, qry an admin in
  • Spectators are allowed only if both teams agree.
  • Mercs are disallowed!
  • Do not forget to take demos of each match!
  • If both teams don't have a server, ESL will provide one (hosted in Germany Germany United Kingdom or UK)
  • Detailed rules you can find here!


Pay attention to the Check In System 30 mins before cupstart!
If you have problems with the sign up or registering to ESL,
feel free to contact an Admin via IRC: @quakenet or have a look at the Starter Guid.

Sunday, 6on6 1dayCup time

image: fallbuttonIt is Sunday again! Means a new 6on6 Cup is incoming!
Nothing has changed again - except the Date. After some Requests to start the Cup a bit later, we will start the Cup at 17:00 CET that more teams have the chance to signup, but the cup will still be finished before 20:00 CET to play your officials.

The previous 6on6 Grand Final can be viewed here.

Europe TAG
Finland dfiance Gaming

Final Bracket

Use this cup for warmup purposes for the evening!
Detailed information of the 6on6 Instant Fall Cup #14 as follows:

Date: Sunday, 26th October 2008 17:00 CET

Signup: Here & Checkin between 16:30 - 16:40 CET (Late signups possible from 16.40 CET)
Slots: 16 + confirm your slot 30 mins before the cup starts
Modus: Single Elimination (without looserbracket), 1 map => 2 rounds, forced maps
Mappool: supply, bremen_b2, braundorf, sw_grush, radar, sp_delivery_te (Get it!)
Config: ESL 6on6 config (Get it!)

2on2 RifleCup by ESL

image: fallbuttonOur Fall Season 2008 continues with another 2on2 RifleCup. The past prove that the players enjoyed to play it and so we will keep hosting it. Every week we will host multiple cups in various formats. Usually a 6on6 on sunday and differing formats during the week.

Our last cup 6on6 Cup gave us following result:

Germany Team 666
Austria 9th-Dimension

Final Bracket

Detailed information of the 2on2 Riflecup as follows:

Date: Thursday, 9th October 2008 16:00 CET

Signup: Here & Checkin between 14:40-14:50 (only teams with 2 players are able to signup)
Slots: 32 + confirm your slot 30 mins before the cup starts
Modus: Double Elimination (with looserbracket), 1 map => 2 rounds
Mappool: rifletennis_te2 (Get it!)
Config: rifleconfig_new (Get it!)

  • Rifle grenades only, means no SMG/rifle garand/handgrenades allowed
  • 2x 5Min (1map = 2 SW rounds)
  • Team with less deaths wins
  • Selfkills are allowed but are shown in the stats
  • Teamkills are prevented due to no teamdamage

  • Make sure to organise your own server
  • The ESL will have a limited amount of servers available, thanks to #fayntic at this point. Without engagement!
  • If a server is needed, pm an admin in

If you are new to the ESL you can follow the Starter Guid & Team Starter Guid (only teams with 2 players are allowed due to ESL page which recognizes 2on2 teams similar to 1on1 accounts) or ask an admin in

Pay attention to the Check In System 30min before cupstart and the Lower Bracket so you do not leave after one loss as you can still fight your way back to victory. open its doors!

image: header5sn0

Dear Crossfire community,

We at, are finally able to launch our completed website and announce that is offically open for business!
Now that our website is fully functioning we can now take your demos to begin our frag of the week productions without the use of rapidshare or megaupload because you can now upload them all to our FTP server kindly provided by Belgium Rafiki. Please note however that not all demos will be used and that for a demo to be used it must comply with our terms and conditions.

As you might expect you are required to register an acount on our website to allow you to upload your demos and to use forums (look in your spamfolder for activation mail). A F.A.Q. has been put into place to help you with any quires you may have, this will ofcourse be update once we get a decent userbase and more questions are asked.

When a "Frag of the week" movie is completed, the top three frags are entered into our Hall of fame where users can view winners past and present. If anyone is interested in sponsoring prizes for our winners, feel free to contact me or kito. Serious offers only please!

We are planning to host some 1 day cups for Enemy Territory in 6on6 and 3on3 format. We will also be using the new and improved release of sp_delivery_te_b1, which was created by Germany eiM and Belgium Snake. We try to help as much as possible with projects such as mapping so feel free to ask for advice or help from anyone in our crew.

If you have got a question concerning our rules or requirements in general, feel free to post your opinions or quires here.