gZcon is ready

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Today we are proud to announce our completed lineup for the ESL EMS VII and the upcoming EuroCup season.

The new spanish power lineup consist of:

France Gamerz Connexion v5

Spain WeZoR
Spain Gengis
Spain RadifZ
Spain magico
Spain Winghaven
Spain Dude

#Gamerz-Connexion @ Quakenet

xt6 moved to Phantoms eSports

image: phantomsbanner2

After 2 managers from Spain xt6 Gaming left, we decided to move because they couldn't support us anymore. We decide to join the portugues multigaming Portugal Phantoms eSports for the upcoming CIC7 and the online tournaments.

The newly formed CIC7 team:[/b]

Spain Gengis
Belgium Player
Estonia EURUZ
Belgium isENxl
United Kingdom TEKN0