Australia < Japan

image: _41116520_japan_xbox203apAfter being defeated by Australia in last years world cup, Japan has come to get payback, ET style.

Last weeks defeat to Europe left Australia licking their wounds and Japan has stepped up to the challenge. Will we see them handed the same fate that ruined their world cup campaign, or will they put Australia to more shame in ET land? Find out this Sunday @ 12:30CET! The Japanese are expected to ping 150-200 and Australia 200-250. Maps will again be Supply and sw_goldrush_te with Adlernest or Braundorf (decided by cointoss) as a decider if required.

Australia riCo
Australia iceman34
Australia maxxxx
Australia ikez0r
Australia HM
Australia forty

Japan MiRUKU
Japan sirokuma
Japan Stain
Japan Shick
Japan Stacker
Japan Spirytus

Australia Australia 2-4 Japan Japan
Time 12:30 CET
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT