n!faculty with Quake Wars

image: etqw_banner_468

n!faculty, one of the largest and most influential multigaming organisations in Germany, announced the pickup of an ET:QW squad. It is no one else then the former team Bumblebee To The Rescue, also known as <3. The lineup is mainly based on the ex-OCRANA team, as well as fliXX and faux from KomaCrew and NeoX from Team Thermaltake:

Germany Mike mikeX Krack
Germany Kevin CopyKill Schröer
Germany Martin outc1der Janowiak
Germany Dennis NeoX Rentmeister
Germany Axel Nager Jürgens
Germany Andre fliXX Schäfer
Germany Mathias faux Wewezer

Statement from the team captain, Mike mikeX Krack:
QuoteWe are thrilled that we finally found a new home that can support us with the necessary dedication. Furthermore, it's a nice step for ET:QW at least in Germany, where n!faculty is well known and housed several topteams in the ESL Pro Series.

#faculty - faculty.de