It's a Wrap!

image: itsawrap

What Enemy Territory and RTCW movies always lacked is quality. Even though moviemakers have had tga_merge on their disposal, noone actually used it. Well, moviemakers, this goes in favour of your laziness, you have no valid reson to make bad quality movies anymore.
New moviemaking tool is here! has released a new tool that is based on tga_merge, but works like tga_hook.
Wrap writes screenshots to ram, merges them, and then writes only merged screenshot (blurred) to hdd.

It allows greater blur control then tga_hook and it also has a feature to change r_drawworld & r_fastsky color, by default it changes it to green, but you can easily change that. Head down to and read everything in detail.

Also, I renderd a short privew clip from upcoming trickjump movie that is being developed on this wonderful new tool, enjoy!
Update of Motion blur tutorial soon