Epic : Road to Enschede

After some weeks of internal issues and recruitment, epic finally has its full line up for the SAGE event organized by super United Kingdom Seanza.

I think that this line-up has a lot of potential with plAyer handling the newbstick and rAffou showing off everytime he gets the chance to.
image: sage_small

Line-up :

France b3ck (c)
France rAffou
Belgium plAyer
Netherlands Jesse
Netherlands rAtte

Some people will wonder why Netherlands pds is no longer playing with us... The answer is quite surprising... He didn't dodge at all. We just kicked him out because of internal issues related to his activity and involvement and wish him the best for his future.

We are really looking forward to win play that "Amazing Gaming Event" and meet our e-buddies.

For everyone who isn't going to the lan, have fun watching us... and for lan players, see you there !