Epic : Road to Enschede

After some weeks of internal issues and recruitment, epic finally has its full line up for the SAGE event organized by super United Kingdom Seanza.

I think that this line-up has a lot of potential with plAyer handling the newbstick and rAffou showing off everytime he gets the chance to.
image: sage_small

Line-up :

France b3ck (c)
France rAffou
Belgium plAyer
Netherlands Jesse
Netherlands rAtte

Some people will wonder why Netherlands pds is no longer playing with us... The answer is quite surprising... He didn't dodge at all. We just kicked him out because of internal issues related to his activity and involvement and wish him the best for his future.

We are really looking forward to win play that "Amazing Gaming Event" and meet our e-buddies.

For everyone who isn't going to the lan, have fun watching us... and for lan players, see you there !
jessa /!\
rip mArk
best of luck b3ck & rAf - happy you managed to gather a team despite all probs :)
pds xDDd it's simple, you don't want to be lan-dodger = you do everything to be kicked from the team
no_u!.jpg !
Weren't you the guy who got kicked from multigaming organistaion to dodge LAN?
you had to confuse me with someone else
Or you do everything to get kicked from a MGC to dodge a lan =)))))))
or you trying to be funny but know shit about it =)))))00
true, but then again he knows about as much as you do about pds and his team :)
Could say the same about you?
polak talking about lan... oh irony..
unexpected pds :D
GL guys, see u there x
cu there
gluck guys
gl player, beck and raffou
no pds no win :(
need shkar to win :$
Cry me a river if you don't like this on the front page!
omg main news omg
Ahah :D thx tosspot ! :)
They deserve it as much as most!
omg main news omg
If I make one for LAN, will you put it as main news as well? :-)
too bad with pds but i wish u GL guys ! :-)
well,was quite expected that pds wont attend considering how retarded he is online.

wish you best of luck there maricon!
u mad cus he better than u?
sorry to break ur dream but magico is way better :D
I also think that my teammates are better than everyone else.
what teammates? :D:D
afaik you played together with magico in 1 team, right?
haha ofc :D
it may be really hard for you to understand it but could you explain what the hell has to do acting like a retard with being a better player?
well i dont really see any other reason for being such a retard and act like that towards another player who u dont even know irl.
read again my 1st comment,how did I say "how retarded he is online".

There is aswell a low+ player called Freze(not freEze) who is also a fucking retard always whining when you kill him,am I also jealous of him coz saying that? think about it...
mhhh, i must know another pds then...
Gl pleyer! ;)
Rifle? :))
so the ugly midged wont attend? :<
how tall is he
enjoy yourself guys :)
nice lan pds xxx
Thought pds would show up to eye up his next ET girlfriend!
pro demon shuki not going lan :<

e. avoiding stokrotka :? mhmhmh
I guess so :<

gL raffou :-8
gl beckibeckor honey :)
that's fine now :D
you get gl if I get sweet lemonade at lan.
haha pds dodging lan, what a surprise :D:D:D
I'm not suprised :D
Good luck guys, see you at LAN!
gl m8s
u will do great
gl guys :) see you there<3
thanks for all the sweet comms! much love boys
pds hittin on dem chicks online, whats up bro? cant find that special lady?? goin em off 1 by 1
gl b3ckmate!
gL chicks
Quote The answer is quite surprising... He didn't dodge at all. We just kicked him out because of internal issues

not so surprising at all!

gl epic
Shkar, da's wel stom man :/
keep raffou and b3ck off the ladies :p

oh wait its a LAN sorry boys
Hehe pds y u no attend lan!:!?!
gl boys, cu there
good lack
cu there! :)
GL lads, see you there, shame about pds but then again at least I get to meet raffou and JESSE again! :P
gl, cu there
gl guys :) too bad pds aint coming <3
gl managueur :)
pds nice trick :-D
main news
GL b3ck & Jesse!
lets give teams who have/had private cheaters main news, way to promote teams for mgc
they have an mgc? ;o
yep, epic is an mgc. They are taking charge of the lan entrance fees :)
who is/was cheating? give us proofs before talking... if you're referring to pds he's been an "alleged" aimboter since he started ET in competition...
I think he is referring to jesse, but dont worry about it.
il a aussi été busted mais bon je pense qu'ils parlaient de Jesse
pds busted ? link please ! :)
you got me there :)
lol at that infernal guy saying "im his neighboor" when he is actually his brother haha,what a faggot seriously :d
that remind me when i was on public serv:

was speccing darkrider and i told admins that he was cheating, ( was on nexus serv, low etpro pub 64 slots :D ) and then a super admin came and he said: hey, hes my nephew, i already specced him, hes not cheating.

and then i got banned from the serv + some months later he got busted 8)
gtfo from cf scum
8{D i'm surprised
best of luck buddies! beck, raffou, jesse.<3
GL player you stupid prick!
me pro rifle, where where you last sunday coming this one newb?
kyle and i were there, i was on for like 15 mins and nobody showed up @ 20CET. so i left! :P
Aha! By reading all these comments, I can see that you're still hated pds.
Nice, haha that's how we row.

Too bad you lost him guys, he's quite the aimer. But seems to be a nice lineup, except for this player guy...?

Gl and <3 for my homies b3ck,rAtte and Jesse. Maybe i'll see you there!

pds is a good aimer that's true, but you should watch rAtte aiming. I'd say he's really decent and compared to pds (no offense buddy), he is reviving more.

Actually rAffou and I managed to get back to our good old skills recently so everything should be ok in the future :D

Looking forward to meeting you Ayyy <3
yesterday you were shooting decent for the first time:P
Yeah ratte is pretty good, and I admit that pds revives less :D

But ratte is braindead

Not that pds is such a bright light either but ratte is worse, you better tell him exactly what to do else he'll fuckup your team hard
i like you talking shit about us when u don't even know us. And first of all im not braindead, i never played seriously in 5on5 clans cuz i never had any time for it. I'm a full time working guy which needs to work at 2 different shifts. So i never had any time in evenings. I always played 3on3's only for fun and never wanted to play 5on5 because it whas always a stupid 5on5 mix.

Stop talking shit about us and go back to school.

Go watch ettv in July and see me rollin.
sensitive subject?
un package de con
merci bonne journée à toi aussi ;)
player </3 :D : )
best of luck :)
obviously mate, obviously :)
gl guys!
gl Jesse and pds just roll them off :)
edit gl ratte
You removed me as buddy! Why?!
gl Player!
the others.. well I don't know them so :D
KRP won this clan 6-0 yesterday
epic won krp 6-2 last time ! good progayming tho ! looking forward to the next gayme of the year between our two superduperunepic lineups :)
Jesse the guy who got busted like 3 times and thus ''managed'' several teams ?
I don't know man, Jesse is his real name. Actually his ingame nick is bomz ...
'''managed'' several teams" say what? the only clan he played in for last 2/3 years was miAmi and it was managed by me : o
He got busted for sure (was obviously hacking and he's pretty damn shit now compared to what he was like a year ago), no idea about the "managing"
im playing with him almost everyday for 2 years and i didn't notice any difference, but yeah you know better.
i know him personally and yes he got busted, he said i never go play ET agian stupid game. And he downloaded a detected bot, joined server with punkbuster, got kicked and didnt play for months. He started playing agian because i said come play agian because he is a friend of mine.

Thats the truth, and we don't care about what ppl say. He's not busted anymore so stop crying 'nd stuff.
aaaaaaaah veeeeeeeetjeeeeeuh
yo mate
cu mate
QuoteHe didn't dodge at all.

image: yesofcourse
good luck there wingman!
and gl to ya playa
Gl b3ck & player the roxor @ BiO:d
gl raf, you will need it.. ;]
gl PlAyer! don't eat too many chips when you're there :)
hf there, buddys!
oh noesss my pdsmon what have you done ill have to release you ! xD and gl for the lan epic.
bah putain, y'était temps !
GL B3ck & rAffou :>
2 weeks
raffou and I have been playing with epic for 10 months already... ofc we had some changes in the line up but it's everything but 2 weeks :)

Quote20:43 b3ck • paly paly paly?
20:44 FlaT • nah , i have to do something with my dog
hahaha nice saved !
Epic clan is epic
So he just wasn't showing up for praccs n stuff before lan so you kicked him..


seanza is super?!

...better drink my own piss.
i'm telling!
Hey nfx and darm
have fun! :D
Best of luck guys!
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