xfire awards 3 - results!

image: awardslogo

That's right, the third xfire awards, provided by Poland Mrozu[PL] (who didn't do almost anything because of his wannabe real life issues) and Slovenia Ravenous (who deserves a cookie for counting the votes and writing down the shizzle on xfire).

This time "The player you hope will quit playing" award went to the hands of United Kingdom TosspoT and "The most overrated player" surprisingly became Finland mystic of uQ and gunslingers fame.
For the full list of results surf to this column.

Xfire Awards #3 !

The year is over, Israel Ariel Sharon is in coma and the ET awards by Belgium resku and company were a nice and successful input. However, Poland Mrozu and Slovenia Ravenous decided to continue the heritage Netherlands Shakes left with xfire awards.
Still remember Belgium syL winning the most overrated player award and Germany/Poland willstar being the most hated player in the community? We bring you this and much more action with monthly powerrankings of clans, players and other categories!
Call us copycats, but be careful as we're black and have thug friends and shit, yo.

Here are the categories

- The Best Team
- The Best Overall Player
- The Best Aimer
- The Best Field Ops
- The Best Medic
- The Best Rifle
- The Most Underrated Team
- The Most Underrated Player
- The Most Overrated Player
- Player You Hope Will Quit Playing
- Team You Hope Will Return
- Person Who Has Done The Most For ET

Remember, only mails are those that count and you have to write 3 names for each category.

So what do you have to do?
The rules of the game are simple, just mail this form to [email protected] and after 2 weeks we're going to count the mails and make the results public. The voting time is exactly 2 weeks, which means that the deadline is on Tuesday, 24.1. 2006.
Hurry up, the 2 weeks period is on you and not your clan!

pstarZ.et - The Farewell Kiss

The day when Robo-Jesus showed up at the door of the mighty France Jean Luc Picard has passed and the story about the Enemy Territory squad of a german multi-gaming clan pstarZ has came to an end.

image: pstarZ(1)

The roots of the team reach far into the ground, into the depths of Belgium independent, where bort, denzel, snot and jester met eachother and later continued with the forming of Belgium gravity.et. After lots of practising, lineup changes et cetra, the four Belgian musketeers formed pstarZ.et and after a while set up a stable lineup, consisting of some experienced players and some new faces.
The team was improving and the first success came out to be the-against-all-ods-win in the second ET-cup after a thrilling three mapper against Spain wArning!.
After that, things went a bit worse but the team still managed to get a direct invite into ET EuroCup XII, where after two losses against Finland gods.inc and United Kingdom SoF and the recent victory versus Spain wArning in the ET-cup final replica, we decided to call it a day.

So, what are we going to do now?

- Belgium snot isn't sure yet about either playing Warcraft 3, either continuing with ET, or a mix of both.
- Belgium bort claims to go for "-=tHe n1 rL=-", but will still play ET for fun with his friends.
- Denmark oBs is waiting for the NC, then moving to Warcraft 3, his spare time will be devoted to browsing ytmnd.com.
- Israel LION will try to give the CB admins anal stimulations, so he could play the Opencup with his jewish friends.
- Slovenia Ravenous and Germany FlixX are the only ones who will continue with playing ET on a high level in other clans, so if you are in need of players, feel free to msg Fl1xXzZ`cL3sS.
- And the last, but not least, our spectator Belgium dNzl is going to play OC and enjoy his spare time with belgian beers and chocolate.

Shoutouts fly out to Denmark Exquizit, Belgium Jester, Belgium F3nceR, Belgium syL, Belgium Maidrion, all of our ex-members and everyone who supported us in any way.


ET Eurocup, round 1 - Summary

image: cuplogo_2373

The Clanbase Enemy Territory Eurocup XII round 1 has been played, this time without postponed matches or forfeit wins, the only thing that was delaying the matches for minutes is the rule about etpro guids.

Now, to the recent news:
Germany Team-Beta and Europe remedium have decided to join multigaming clans, the first team is now known as oceans6 and the second one as Spreading Death e-sports.
There were also big lineup changes in this firt week: Finland gods.inc have recruited Hungary Future (left United Kingdom 141) and Spain Winghaven (left Spain wArning!), but later lost Finland lettu, who now has to fill Future's boots in United Kingdom one4one. As a replacement for Wing, Spain wA! recruited Netherlands mike, who's well known from Ocrana and junk52. After Germany murDa's departure from the gaming scene, Europe IDKFA decided to follow the trend of recruiting the Kreaturen players. Their new member is Netherlands Milk.
Updated: Europe Ratatosk's roster shortened with the loss of Germany slaz to 141. Their second ex-Kreaturen member is none other than Netherlands Lun4t1C.

Anyway, here are the results:

Group A
Estonia idle.ee - Russia Team Zenith : 4 - 0
Germany oceans6 - Germany Instant Defeat : 4 - 2

Group B
Finland uQ-gaming - Europe Team Helix : 4 - 2
United Kingdom one4one - Europe Spreading Death : 4 - 0

Group C
Europe IDKFA - Israel insanity! : 4 - 0
Europe Ratatosk - Poland Logitech UVM : 4 - 0

Group D
Finland gods.inc - Europe pstarZ : 4 - 0
Spain wArning! - United Kingdom Clan SoF : 4 - 0

In round 2, some teams can already secure their playoff spots, so it should be interesting. Be sure to check ETTV ips on gamestv.org.

The upcoming matches are:

Germany oceans6 - Russia Team Zenith
Germany Instant Defeat - Estonia idle.ee

Finland uQ-gaming - United Kingdom one4one
Europe Team Helix - Europe Spreading Death : 4 - 0 (updated)

Europe IDKFA - Poland Logitech UVM
Europe Ratatosk - Israel insanity!

Spain wArning! - Europe pstarZ
Finland gods.inc - United Kingdom Clan SoF