Dignitas dig up old roots..

Today dignitas are more than happy to welcome back an Enemy Territory lineup to represent Team Dignitas. After they represented them at CIC7 where they took the Champions title in an excruciating battle which saw bags of action, they can now welcome back Estoniaidle.ee, formerly known as United States of AmericaBlight, as the United KingdomTeam Dignitas ET lineup. In the lineup we see familiar faces who have and still represent Team Dignitas as well as brand new faces who we happily welcome to our eSports family.

The lineup can be seen at the Antwerp Esports Festival where they will try to put up the same performance as CIC7. It won't stop there, as the team is also competing in the ESL Major Series and Clanbase Eurocup

Without further ado, we present the United KingdomTeam Dignitas ET squad: image: 6jn2b4

Estoniad.Anderson - Hendrik-William 'Anderson' Kinks
Sloveniad.JaKaZc - Jaka 'JaKaZc' Kejzar
Germanyd.drago - Sebastian 'drago' Ohrmann
Franced.kArnAJ - Travaillé 'karnaJ' Hugo
Finlandd.sQUALL - Taneli 'sQUALL' Härkönen

Quote by d.AndersonWe are truly happy that Team-Dignitas has decided to pick up an Enemy Territory squad again, this is not only a great day for us but also for the community, hopefully other big teams will be more motivated to pick up ET now. Unfortunetly with great news we are also announcing the departure of ET's biggest star Night, as army duty wont allow him to attend AEF.

Due to Night’s absence we were left with no choice but to rebuild our lineup, a though task considering what Night brought to the table. The new team consist mostly from familiar veteran players but we have also brought in new talent and blood to give the team a good balance. In addition we will be providing the fans with a lot of content in the upcoming weeks. We can’t wait to prove our worth in the upcoming AEF LAN in Belgium.

#dignitas | Team Dignitas Website

CB ET 5v5 WinterCup 2010

image: cb-goldorak
image: ycnbanner_468x60
Clanbase is pleased to announce the first WinterCup hosted by ClanBase and supported by YCN-Hosting.
With BelgiumGoldoraK and BelgiumiMmi as Cup Supervisors and MaltaKillerboy as supervisor aswell.

Since this is a Hosted Cup we do not need to follow the global rules and thus making the cup more user friendly and can give what the community wants much easier. thus the following:
  • Clans can decide in not using GV Streaming when both clans agree.
  • Clans can decide in not using PunkBuster when both clans agree.
  • Clans can allow the usage of a "merc" when both clans agree.
  • Clans playing with a person having a wrong pbguid will not instantly result in a forfeit loss, instead the pbguid used will be crossreferenced on ClanBase or Crossfire in order to prove the player was not a random merc but their own clanmate with a wrong guid.

  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • coast_b1
  • frostbite
  • reactor_final
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Maps will be forced, cointoss procedure will decide about decider map if needed. Clans will decide about maps on their own only in the Great Final of each league.