QuakeCon Wolfenstein updates

The last couple of days some interesting nuggets of information about the next installment(s) of Wolfenstein have slipped into the web from QuakeCon. First of all a designer from Raven says that "you're gonna get a solid multiplayer experience". He talks warmly about the Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer and says the known features from RtCW MP will be there and then have the concept of the "veil" added (the veil being some kind of paranormal power). Watch it all in the video below:

Interview with Creative Director Eric Biessman at gametrailers.com (HD)

John Carmack held his keynote speech yesterday and mentioned that id might look into relaunching Enemy Territory as a webbased game in style with Quake Live.
QuoteWe have said that if Quake Live is very successful the next thing we might look at [for a Quake Live-style game] is Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, which was always a more popular online game with more players than Quake Arena was, but it's hard to see how we do the same treatment with it. Like, you're running around fighting the Nazis and there's a billboard for Intel or something...

Eurogamer has made a nice writeup of the keynote here

Furthermore a new trailer for Wolfenstein has been released. It still does not show all that much but at least it contains 1 second or so, of supposedly actual ingame first person footage.

Wolfenstein extended trailer at gametrailers.com (HD)