Dignitas.wolf on top again

Wednesday night we saw an intense matchup on hospital for the first round of playoffss in the intel id/activision wolfenstein championships betweem Team Dignitas and Hubris.

Dignitas being a UK based team definately had the ping disadvantage as they were playing on an east coast us server, but they didnt let that deter them.

Starting off on the defense, Hubris did an excellent job of closing down the second objective of disrupting the experiment, as a lot of teams in multi-objective stopwatch do, they let dignitas get the first objective with relative ease while setting up shop in the experiment room.

Once the door was blown however it took dignitas at least 4 minutes to get to the objective let alone disrupt it, but disrupt it they did at 6:13.

So with some leeway and playing room, Hubris took over as the attackers, but they were held to a full hold as they were unable to get past the Dignitas defense. They did sucessfully manage to plant on the experiment but unfortunately it was defuse and the second plant ran out of time.

Into the second round we go, with Hubris having first crack at the cake. Again dignitas let them get the doors with relative ease although did put up some formidable resistance in that area, but once the doors went that was a totally different ball game.