Haemar - First Beta Version!

image: haemarbanner
Here finally comes the first beta version of my map Haemar b1. As usual I have to thank everyone who has helped me, is helping and will help me to make this map, most notably by *testing* Haemar and giving constructive comments.

I would just like to insist on 2 points:
  • the map is smaller than it seems
  • the gameplay is really quite complex, so don't judge it too quickly

Beta1 modifications[/b]]- Added another non-minable zone (Main entrance / Flag building)
- Added a "roof clip" but kept possible the fact of flying above buildings
- Added red transparent brushes where you have to put the stolen documents
- Added the "detail work" (plants, chairs, etc.) for less empty streets and rooms
- Added even more clips for a better gameplay (eg. you can't be blocked in the corner of a door)
- Made optimizations on the file size
- Made VIS & Brushes optimizations
- Reworked many textures angles and positions (mainly wood ones)
- Reworked a bit the docs room (Side entrance & height of the stairs)
- Reworked the light shaders
- Finished all buildings (or almost) (especially near axis spawn & final objective)
- Fixed all the bugs I was aware of, please tell me if you still find some
- ...

To Server Admins[/b]]
I advise you to increase the time limit to 14-17min on 12+ players public's servers
and reduce the first part to 9-11min in the case allies are getting annihilated by axis,
I left the needed code change in the .script with "PSA" on the 2 lines.
Then you just need to put the modified file in another /map folder.

Screen #1
Screen #2
Screen #3
Screen #4
Screen #5
Screen #6
Screen #7
Screen #8
Screen #9