Saying goodbye to lunachick!

Sadly we are saying goodbye to our beloved ET admin lunachick. She has done amazing work on Clanbase ET Crew and always put in her best. Her great spirit and cheerful attitude touched many of us. I dedicate this news to her. It includes interviews with lunachick and couple people who’s roads crossed with hers. So lets get started!

ClanBase RtCW OpenCup - upgrade

Hello everyone :)

I have few news for you regarding the OpenCup.

The deadline for sign ups is changed to November 8th. In that matter you still have plenty of time to do a magic trick by clicking couple buttoms and sign up here :) Don't forget to mension it to your mates from other clans too. Lets make it another great season.
The second supervisor for the OC will be changed, so stay tuned to see who it will be.


Your help is need to make this the best cup it can possibly be, so please try to get at least one member from your clan to sign up.

- Good knowledge of written english.
- Knowledge of the commands available.
- Able to stay neutral and to make fair decisions/judgements.
- Good knowledge of the rules.
- Ability to write matchreports/upload screenshots.
- Sign up here.

This goes out to all of you talented people out there. The ClanBase RTCW Fall Cup is in need of logo, please help us!

- Maximum size: 500*124
- It should be transparent.
- Must have a reference to both ClanBase, RTCW and the fall
- Email your logo to toxigirl at
- Deadline is November 8th

See you around,

PS: If you have any questions regarding the OpenCup please feel free to pm me at IRC #ClanBase.RtCW or send e-mail to toxicgirl at