The little country in Northern Europe has quite the reputation in our fabulous ET community bringing forth a great lot of quality players and ofcourse an NC team that can boost some succesfull campaigns in the last few editions.
This year's line-up brings quite some surprises. Former team-ND player asd. will be captain and assembled a line-up of 'lesser-gods'. With the players unavailable there was room for new players to step up and take the chance to represent Estonia this season.
Team Estonia NC X:
asd. (C) (ex-team-ND)
Deadmeat (,saevus)
t6nis (ex-kujuneb, P!mps)
indu (o2)
pela (o2)
bff (o2)
Going into the cup the team has lowered its expectations, dropping the pressure to live up to previous performances.