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image: 2usg8dw

We will have to cancel this Cup. Since there is a lack of sign-ups, simply because people are not interested or because they're on holiday. Also PHOTO is unable to use his computer since it broke down and I can't do all the work. Thank you for your interest! We will certainly try something else with a different concept.

Introducing the Netherlands Warrios of the Windmill Cup, the first edition 6on6 format!

The Warriors of the Windmill is found by Netherlands PHOTO. Netherlands SimonKinsler and Netherlands TimbolinA. It is based on a BeNe Cup but now only with the Netherlands. With this cup we are trying to get an impression on how to organize a cup so we gain experience and of course have fun with all the Netherlands Dutchies and get to know each other if you go to the Adroits LAN in October.
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