The new OVERLOAd

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Last week Sainted announced that he had no motivation anymore to continue with OVERLOAd but felt it would be a waste to throw his work and the good name of the organisation away, the story of OVERLOAd should not be ended!

A fresh breeze

After the departure of Sainted the organisation was left unmanned and called for a replacement. Shortly after reading the news I messaged Sainted with my motivation to replace him in his role and continue the journey he once started. About half an hour later the deal was done, OVERLOAd has found itself a new manager. After I called my buddy saKen to tell him the news I found myself a companion, Clanbase and ESL accounts were made and the new OVERLOAd was set to go!

Starting from scratch

But what was left of OVERLOAd? After the Antwerp Esports Festival the players of the Enemy Territory team seperated ways and top Quakelive player Weird left the team together with Sainted, the team was left without players. Seeing as both saKen and I play W:ET in a rather succesful team that competed in various Clanbase Eurocups, ESL major series and several other prestigious tournaments the obvious choice of making ictus play under the wings of OVERLOAd was made.