Cooller leaves mousesports

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QuoteAnton "Cooller" Singov has been a part of mousesports for almost six years now and we're very sad to part ways with arguably the best Quake player of all times. With the decision of IEM to not pick up Quake Live again, the Quake community faces a tough time once again.

There are only a few evergreens in mousesports who have competed for so many years like Russia Cooller: Back in late November 2005, the Russian Quaker player joined forces with one of the best teams in the world for Quake 4 and instantly won the CPL Winter 2005, beating his later arch rival Sweden toxjq in the Grand Final. Until now, Russia Cooller managed to stay on top of his game for all those years, always competing with the best players in the world for the Championships. In the last months of professional Quake tournaments, Russia Cooller was the only oldschool player who was still able to win events, as he edged out an impressive win in the Intel Extreme Masters European Championship earlier this year.

Anton will leave Germany mousesports and head over to Russia Moscow Five, a team based in his hometown, who agreed to support him as best as possible. Due to the non-nomination of Quake Live as a main title for the upcoming Intel Extreme Masters season, there have been almost no reasons to maintain a Quake Live division in Germany mousesports and we're desperately sorry to say that we have to shut down the entire Quake Live squad. As Anton became a friend, we wanted to grant him the possibilty to continue his career on a professional level and we've decided to release him out of his running contract.

Russia Anton "Cooller" Singov will always be a part of mousesports as he's the latest addition of our Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame decorates the few mousesports players who helped in developing one of the worlds most successful gaming teams by their continuous effort and work.

Anton, we wish you the very best for your future and we would like to say thank you for all the titles you've won, all the things you've done for mousesports and for all the good times online and offline.
