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Santabot in the spotlight

image: santa150Sweden Martin 'Santabot' Lindman, maker of the RtCW EuroCup X movie and (former) player of ABA and deovolente, has been featured by the GGL.

In his 'Gamer Life' item, Santabot elaborates on his gamer lifestyle as he claims it is all being wasted on drinking, taxi driving and ofcourse taxidriving.

Do you have any remorse about gaming this often?
Sometimes. But I don't feel that what matters in life gets pushed aside. Without gaming, I probably would have finished my studies. And have a girlfriend. But who wants kids, house and a Volvo at the age of 26?

The Swedish 26-year-old even stated that SWERtCW might return with a complete new website and SWERtCW's famous movie database included.

Click here to read Santa's funny, yet cynical feature.

GGL features TosspoT`s Gamer Life

image: tossAdding United Kingdom TosspoT's love for attention and his past weekend WCG activities it becomes easy math of 1+1 = 1 to profile this interesting character.

Yesterday, the GGL interviewed the talented shoutcaster stripping him down to get a up-close and personal view on his extravert personality:

I eat more food than any fat person could dream of doing and yet some how I remain the width of a bamboo cane!

Furthermore, TosspoT gives his opinion on WCG and struggles to answer his dilemmas.

Bunny or Mousie?
I'd quite like to see whoever thought of this question fired! The two chicks of u5, bunny the caster, Mousie the ET player. ET has gotta win over, as much as I had a lot of fun casting with bunny...ET ET ET!

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ClanBase opens inaugural True Combat: Elite ladders

After a successful ladder petition and potential in the current development of the True Combat modification, Clanbase has decided to add the following Enemy Territory ladder.

Europe True Combat: Elite 5v5 Objective (Rules)

As this Enemy Territory mod is still under development, we ask the community to give us feedback to improve the ladder even more. For more information join #ClanBase.TC:e.

Clanleaders can join the the ladders here, and clans who still aren't registered on ClanBase can use this this page sign up. As always, all clans are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the ladder rules before playing.

Wolffog removed

Punkbuster updated their old versions with some new maintenance updates. Even though there was no mention of the removal of the wolffog restriction, it seems ET players can now freely use whatever setting they prefer.

With some testing over the past 24 hours by Spain DoneX, he concluded that the only map visually affected was (as expected) Radar.

FPS on oasis seems to be considerably improved.

To answer many questions, some servers did not undergo the pb update. Once that is done hardly any config should allow this. That said, as you might know CB config does not have any wolffog restriction. But serveradmins need to use forcecvar to allow it.
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