The - not so - Final Encounter

After an amazing and quite a long season we have almost reached the finish line. One last clash between Netherlands dNan & Belgium bF has to decide who will become the winner of the top of the notch OC division and who deserves to be called OCWinners.
image: opencup3

The current score between both participants is 2-2 which proves the equality of skill between both teams.If Belgium bF manages to beat dNan once, they are obliged to beat them twice if they want to go home with the golden pocal. This is the 5th and final encounter and it will most definitely be interesting to see another 6on6 game wirth viewing with the current 5on5 hype which is preparing the entire community for CiC7.Netherlands dNan , the experienced dutchies, will have to take on Belgium bF one last time . I believe this to be a thrilling match and very view-worthy. This grand final will be shoutcasted by no other than France Francis.