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Happy New Year!

image: newyear

We wish you all safe and happy new year, dont drink too much, dont drive if you're drunk and dont play too much with the fire, but remember to have lots of fun!

CoDQCup back in action

image: codqcup_291x105_p6243

Four months have passed since we saw the latest CoDQCup holding their well known CoD
2 online tournament. 2007 was the year where the Swedish admin team hosted 7 cups and gave out prizes for nearly 10,000 Euros. In those 7 cups Finland Logitech.fi managed it to grab a place under the top 3 for five times and they will try to repeat that success in 2008.

Cause the CoDQCup is back. They recently opened the signups for their first Call of Duty 4 tournament. The signups will close on the 8th of January, but already over 150 Clans signed up for the Cup. Including teams like Sweden EYEBALLERS, United Kingdom 4 Kings, France oXmoze, Finland Logitech.fi and many more.

QuoteWe will start off with allowing 128 teams. First there will be a Qualifier round. It will be played with 32 groups with 4 teams each. Group winner advances into the “real” CODQCUP. 2nd and 3rd team will face each other In a Single Elimination round, best of 3 maps and the winner goes to the CODQCUP.

5 Q|Wristband
5 Q|Lanyard
5x Noctua NF-P12 (new Noctua 120mm fan)
5x Noctua NT-H1 (new Noctua thermal compound)
5x Coolink Anti-Vibration Bolts
1x 1 month 14 slot Game-Hosting COD4 server

Official News
VAE Coverage

Not identified joins up with Team EDiT!

image: teameditzc9

EDiT who have a long and illustrious history in Call of Duty have today returned to the game after a lengthy absence. Their new squad is the old Not identified team who only recently finalised their own roster, now the dutch side have joined up with a benelux organisation.

United Kingdom revoltz
Netherlands mofje
Netherlands frostyle
Netherlands toxjee
Netherlands V1oqor

United Kingdom EDiT`revoltz gave TeK-9 this statement;

QuoteAfter discussing with a number of organisations for the past few weeks we've had alot of reasonable offers. However, our decision quickly became clear, EDiT have presented us an offer that we could not refuse, a serious and stable organisation with enthusiasm. The management is extremely friendly and co-operative so far, with a new reformed EDiT coming early in the new year. We hope that we can continue to play under the EDiT organisation for the foreseeable future and can repay their current trust by performing at the upcoming major online and offline events.

irc: #edit


new face of overdose

image: ovs_cf_logo2

Despite some promising practise results, the swedish guys lost their positive attitude when it came to the game.
After a disappointing official match against Spain Team-Overplay, they haven't really focused on practising anymore;
so I had a little conversation with the team captain and we both agreed that it would be best if we both went our
separate ways.

Since I still have a good relationship with Poland edain (former Enemy-Territory captain of Clanbase Eurocup XVI participant
Poland overdose team) and I've heard they are moving to CoD4, it wasn't hard to make the decision, they will continue
under the name of overdose-gaming

Knowing his resoluteness as captain, I'm sure this new team will do their best. So the brand new ovs.cod4 division looks like:

Poland edain (capt.)
Poland LaRgOo
Poland sLX
Poland runos
Poland exootic

We wish good luck to the team and Happy New Year to everyone!

Speedlink pickup 2!

image: 270136_smallGerman Call of Duty giants Speedlink have today announced the finalisation of their Call of Duty roster by picking up two players from Legendary, one them the winner of three Crossfire awards!

Having lost long time leader Fuschstute earlier this week the side had to reshuffle their pack quickly, it means that veteran allstar Trigger will take the leadership roll and taking their place alongside him will be none other than Humm3L & niTro formerly of Legendary. Legendary had a very good start to CoD4 surprising many, and their name was linked with a few high profile multigaming organisations, however it was Speedlink who seized upon two of their rising stars and used the Christmas period to practice with them and feel whether the team would bond.

I asked humM3L about his feelings on joining a pro team and what new experiences he was having after leaving ET.

QuoteIm really glad to play with ppl like Trigger , spaR or phY1. They got alot of knowledge and lan experience in the Call of Duty series. The team was formed by Trigger and he wants a team which is 100 % loyal and really motivated for the upcoming events. I think everyone of us know what we want and the next time will be hard but we have our first bootcamp in 3 weeks and ofc our first goal will be the CDC4 in netherlands which is coming closer.

Well i enjoyed my ET time really much but CoD4 is a new and good feeling and im happy that i changed my game. Its fast, skilled and tactical at the same time and the community is amazingly big. It really feels good to have a company such as SPEED-LINK in your back and the fact to be able to LAN as much as you want really makes it comfortable. But at the end only the team matters and even if the support will be good its way more important to have a stable lineup and team behind you.

This leaves the Speedlink roster for CDC4 looking as follows;

Germany Trigger
Germany phY1
Germany spaR
Germany humM3L
Germany niTro

This also confirms that SL have removed soulreaper from their lineup.

DIE joins Kojak

Da Imperial Executors have today joined up with Kojak to become their new CoD4 squad. The squad who finished 3rd in the Crossfire QCUP have had an impressive start to the game and have picked up from where they left off in CoD1 all those years ago.

Quote by janboDespite being a new organization, the management of kojak has been able to convince us of their project and we are glad we may now concentrate just on playing 100%, and of course, having fun. We're looking forward to attending CDC4 and hoping to build on a base of stability that we have within the team, its great now that our team of friends can go on achieve all that we've ever hoped to on the competitive scene.

The new Kojak.CoD4 squad is as follows;

Finland Antti "ana" Pessinen,
Finland Timo "dae" Lahtinen,
Finland Ville "id3" Järvi,
Finland Jani "janbo" Keskinen,
Finland Juho "jokke" Kämppi,
Finland Antti "sec" Sinisalo

Happy Christmas

image: 20330606_89272e2b64_m
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at Crossfire

War§ow QCup – Supplemental

18 days of duelling, 18 days of competition, 18 days of QCup madness. Like all good things it had to come to an end.

First off all, let me take this oppertunity to thank both Crossfire and QPad for hosting this cup and making the effort to invest time and money into the War§ow scene. The game wouldn't be where it is without them.

Even though Germany BoBel and Poland Victim are the victors in the cup but I do have to say that all of you preformed with excellence making the community the true winners. To me this was a great cup, both in player numbers and enthusiasm (Netherlands H1o springs to mind in that regard) and it also helped me to get more involved in the community as a whole, something that I believe is important for an admin. Yes there was the “Nazi-schedule” but it worked in the end and you all pretty much accepted it.

Finals Shoutcast
Demo Pack

Now even though this cup is now at an end this is most defiantly not the last Crossfire War§ow cup. I’m sure that many of you are looking forward to the Crossfire Devotii Challenge that’s coming up at the end of February. Now currently there are about 12 signups and I have to remind you all that the deadline is the 6th of January so for the love of God, lets make this event bigger then the last time so signup for a spot.

For now, this has been Netherlands A_Spec, you know where to find me if you need me.

See you next time. Oh, and Merry Christmas.

TLR in with the old out with the new

image: 7xkweaw

After the announcement from Crossfire that players who have previously used a cheat and been subsequently banned by clanbase will not be allowed to play at the Crossfire Devoti Challenge 4 LAN this left the United Kingdom TLR ET squad in a tricky position with one of our players Netherlands perfo. Although prooven at LAN he has been banned for an incident a while back now which appears to be a very grey area as to whether the correct decisions were originally made when they banned him. To that end we have explored a couple of options.

First we attempted to speak with clanbase about the ban to see whether the correct decision was made. Thanks go out to United Kingdom Bulldog here for assisting with speeding up the process of the enquiry and for his support with this issue. Although it would appear there is enough evidence to show that it is possible that the wrong decision was originally made a decision was made by the Clanbase C&A head admin that given the ban had expired and that the afteraffects on crossfire were not their issue nothing would be done about the original ban.

Second we attempted to recruit a replacement capable of maintaining the excellent standard Netherlands perfo had already set within the squad and i feel that goal has been fully met.

So let me present the new TLR ET Squad

Malta Toxic
United Kingdom Sheep
Netherlands teKoa
Finland Iron
Finland Squall
Estonia Night

Backup [online only]
Netherlands perfo

c u at Enschede and Merry Christmas all

The Last Resort

12 Days and counting

image: cheatsCheaters always win, except on days when they lose. I can't remember any cheater ever winning QuakeCon or CDC, so I guess they lose all the time. Coming in 2008 Crossfire will bring you not only a fresh list of newly exposed cheaters, but also a sample of the lengths they will go to. Here's but a small example...

Person A It's sound bit crazy to be thru ,both of u are rly skilled. I play alot vs u and u m8 in clanwars ,and i know how strong u aim can be. U must know 1 think ,if u take this bot ( i can give u) u must know 2 thinks.

1.everybot got difrent pb code( if some one send to pb ,only his bot will be detectd)
2.if u take bot we will know if u move this bot from u pc( via mail,msn or some comunicator)We hate leakers and usualy we punish guys like this. We are not only cheaters ,some of us are skilled hackers.
If u agree whit this add me to msn

Person B For some reason i cant add u in msn messenger says u dont have net passport something :P, if possible could u msg me in irc nick is xxxxx.

Or if that didnt wet your festive appetite, perhaps this will get those creative juices - who could this be?

Person C Heres my cb account i played in teams like XXX & XXX and stuff. also played eurocup and i will play the next EC too with my new team, if u give me the hack i will be mutch more active :D i would play every cup and every league and own them ;)

Person D I would like to have one of ur pr0bots because im intrested in playing with cheats at EC and NC i hope i could get this asap so i could cheat in NC-final in tuesday.

Who's going down in the latest e-drama bust? Place your bets and the person with the most accurate guesses will win a prize!
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