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CB ET Summer 2013: Finals

All unscheduled matches have been forced, which means it's time for another round of CB ET Summer 2013 matches! Several finals will be played on ETTV this Sunday and Monday, so read more for a preview of each game, and don't forget to tune in at match time!

Dirty Bomb, no more

The upcoming title known as 'Dirty Bomb' has had a few weeks of silence leading many to think that the game had possibly been cancelled. Fear not! the game was merely undergoing a name change, reasons unknown, and will hence forth be known as 'Extraction'.

ClanBase EC/OC Fall 2013

We are proud to announce the EC/OC Fall 2013 Cup Season! Signups are due to open on Sunday the 1st of September. However, as a little teaser, here are the cups we plan to run this season!

CB ET Summer 2013: Week 6

After a short delay due to some unexpected downtime, we're back again with another round of ClanBase ET Summer 2013 matches! It's Week 6 now, and some teams are already preparing for their league's Grand Final.

Read more for a preview of the 3on3 & 6on6 SC games being broadcasted on ETTV this Sunday and Monday!

CB ET Summer 2013: Week 5

It's Week 5 of the ClanBase ET Summer 2013 season, which means it is time for another preview of a few 3on3 & 6on6 SC games that can be seen on ETTV this Sunday and Monday!

BLG Win one.more Cup #6

one.more Cup #6 kicks off tonight and goes well into the night as we hope to finish by around 2am CET! Why so late? this edition is aimed at the North American scene and should hopefully bring us some more enjoyable games which will all be casted over at WarwitchTV!

CB ET Summer 2013: Week 4

We're almost four weeks in to the ClanBase ET Summer 2013 season, and once again there are some exciting matches coming up this Sunday and Monday on ETTV.

Read more for another overview of a few upcoming 3on3 & 6on6 SummerCup games!

one.more Cup #6 RTCW 3on3

one.more Cup #5 took place just yesterday and there are requests from the NA portion of the RTCW scene for a cup of their own - calm down, we have what you need! Introducing one.more Cup #6 RTCW 3on3, NA Edition!

team-phase win one.more Cup #5

one.more Cup #5 has kicked off already and the later rounds will be streamed live from WarwitchTV over at twitch for your enjoyment. Tune in from just before 20:00CET!

CB ET Summer 2013: Week 3

Now that the EC final is behind us, I have once again prepared a short overview of a few upcoming ClanBase ET 3on3 & 6on6 Summer 2013 matches. Tune in this Sunday and Monday to ETTV for some exciting games!
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