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[CANCELED] Return to KBG - Last Chance

Sadly we have to announce that the LAN-Event has now been CANCELED due to too low interest for the Event.

Dear ET-community,

people have been messaging us lately, asking if the LAN will happen. People want us to make it happen and we are willing to host it for you. After the last Newspost we did not nearly get the response we hoped for, resulting in our long silence. After having another internal conversation, we decided to try and make the event happen, for you, for us and for all the unforgettable moments, offline events of this beautiful game created. We have to pay the location in exactly one month, that being said, this is the final deadline!

Return to KBG - Changes

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With this post we would like to shed some light on the circumstances of the planned ET LAN you all have been discussing so much about. And then there is some information about the decision we likely have to make.

Return to KBG - Updates

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It has been rather quiet around the upcoming LAN event in Krefeld. Today we would like to update you on a few things.

Merry Christmas from Crossfire

image: MH233ut
Have a good festive period, whenever and whatever you spend your time doing!

Return to Krefeld Battleground

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It has been one year, since we made the announcement to host the ET LAN event in Krefeld and boy what a journey that was: A lot of passionate people getting together, drinking way too much and enjoying the one and only game with matches and a final in the 6on6 tournament, that made the event really special: It was seconds to decide that Netherlands Elysium gain the title.

Today we are proud to announce the sequel of our LAN event: The Return to Krefeld Battleground.

The KBG Aftermovie

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Do you remember sunday, May 21st 2017? If not, let me tell you, it was a day to remember, it was the day, that EuropeElysium beat EuropeThe Money Team in a more than worthy Grand Final of the Krefeld Battleground LAN event.

ETernal Damage: Playoffs

image: 0HQCgHB

We had a good running groupstage with nearly every team doing their best not delaying the cup! Unluckily I didn't have time this weekend to get this news ready on point. I am sorry therefor!
With some surprises (f.e. Europe HARAMBE.et surprising with ending up at the first rank) the groupstages might not have ended like we all expected but now this also has to get proven in the playoff stage because now every game counts and might be the last one.

Groups for ETernal Damage

image: 0HQCgHB

So after a small delay because of me and crossfire being down I am now here to announce the groups for the upcoming ETernal Damage Cup. We have got eleven Signups. I decided to split these teams into two groups. This means we have got one group of five teams and one of six. In both groups the first four teams will get into the main playoffs which will be hosted in a double elimination bracket. I am also up to host a small cup for the last three teams if they like to play their ranks out.

Presenting the ETernal Damage

image: 0HQCgHB

It's been a while since our last tournament. I hope everyone of you enjoyed the summerbreak and will continue to do so. We also took a little break, but as you can see we couldn't stay away for too long from this community and game. That’s why we are here to bring you a new tournament which will hopefully get the activity back to ET once again.

First edition of KBG is over

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Yet again the history books of ET have been extended with a grand final to remember as Europe Elysium took the trophy at the Krefeld Battleground on the 6th map with only 12 seconds left on the clock. We couldn’t wish for a better final and we’d like to thank everyone involved for making this a pleasure to host and to make this a lifelong memory for all of us.
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