Clanbase's Cheat and Abuse Team is:

How well do you rate Clanbase's actions against cheaters?
8.3 %
(84 votes)
8.2 %
(83 votes)
24.7 %
(249 votes)
58.8 %
(594 votes)
evan skilled fo sho!
i feel the team (members) is ok, but the system is just out of date.
evan skilled
voted excellent, they banned razz, pepper, alexLowsense, allu !
he's unbanned now
Agree evan is a retard lolololol -.-
evan skilled.
evan skilled
evan skilled
evan skilled made me ROFL!
What action? :D
They r bestest !
less than evan skilled
Is evan skilled the worst? Anyway, voted for "Very far from excellent" cause there werent a option for "Sucks ass, big time".
that was the evan-skilled option....
Oh. Some admin should put my vote to Evan skilled then
a bunch of retards
make a new poll with one more option

"less skilled than evan"
You don't go much lower than that.
You do if you're part of that CB team ;)
N/O to the team though, all they have to do is actually BAN people
evan going to take this one
not excellent since they are banning people for cvars
so people with a red yawn sign for example due to crusher.exe wont get banned... ?
That's not a cvar. It's a detected cheat file your example.
cvar is lol_aim 1, nexus.pk3 is not a cvar
"evan skilled" cowards with no balls.
Do you mean the crew around lunachick and ET Admins? Or the "Cheats & Abuse" Team whose has nothing to do with the ET section?
Excellent, definately. They've been doing great work banning razz and allu during the last few years.
completely incompetent
Where can you contact this Team? get them up to date with the current situation...

ye mize n co still arent banned so gj cb
evan skilled ;Dd
first answer shouldn't even be there. After guidspoofing, dynamic ip's, demos and screenshots considered not enough and "I cheated to quit playing" being valid excuses, this so-called team is nothing more than a big joke
whats wrong with having dynamic ip?
Some one cross referenced a list of IPs of people who used Nexus bot against Crossfire and found a lot of cheaters, but there excuse was that they have dynamic IPs so there was no way to prove it was them, although the chance of it not been them is pretty slim.
German providers only distribute dynamic ips. Constant ips are only given to business customers or private customers with too much money.
thanks for the explanation
But there email were also with it right and he made the reference from the email on that site with the registered email on the crossfire site so how can it not be them :S
evan skilled definetely
even though it's a describing skill, stop giving evan any more attention...
other than being immensely biased, they are doing an OK job
yäääääh, they banned you! :O)
mm yes banned for a demo without any solid proof, and this is considered less solid? morons :D
LoLoLoL United Kingdom/Anonymousevan won a xfirepoll oLoL
Dont understand how people could actually vote for excellent, nothing has happend since alot of cheaters were discoverd...
7.5% (48 votes)

omg 48 nabs from cb came to crossfire i think :o
Ban whole krp pls
ridiculous tbh
i guess anyone voting excellent hacks? coz the system is poor at best.
Most of the 7.3% Exellent-voters might be the cheaters here at xfire, who couldnt be happier with the CB anticheat team :D
My bet is that 5% of the nC income goes straight in the pockets of CBadmins (O:
Perhaps some people voted excellent because this poll is about a rhetorical question...
CB always was and always will be evan skilled at best!
7.4% (58 votes)

search for ther ip's who voted that and you got yourself a bust:D
was thinking exatly the same:)
CB IS FULL OF PRICKS! they know ETPRO guid is unreliable and it could change any day, and when it changed suddenly in front of a match they whine and give the oppo forfeit. Thats ridiculous thing #1 and ridiculous #2 is that even the best players can cheat, since tomorrow they will be forgiven.
Where can I see, what the *** these actions are exactly?
I think they are doing EXCELLENT job.. banning all these cheaters who got cought during the last few years has been well good and I rly admire their hard work and everything.

Keep up the good work mates! You are the BEST!
you joined a new clan allu? team sarcasm?
smthing like that... yes
band those p*ssy's, its so lame :'<
I voted far from excellent tbh
who the hell is evan
No not agree, I think théy must band every 1 who's cheating because its lame and not fare,is not because théy are prof. gamers thé must cheat no EVRY 1 who's cheating band/kick Imo.
for comparison: image: ilolled0ki
QuoteKurbads on 24/01/07, 16:28:26

i still play on cb, and in your attention journals need same real proofs

busted many times like few months ago, still playing cb, very "Excellent"!
roflofl sounds like we need a reply.

CB statement: There is no proof he used those hax in officials so were not gonna ban him. Even if he had bought them he prolly wasn't gonna use them anyway. And besides if we ban him hes gonna D-dos our website and we don't want that !!
lol quem sabe
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