Who will win the ET Worldcup?

With only three teams remaining the ET Worldcup is drawing near its conclusion, but who will be the victor?
34.2 %
(338 votes)
22.8 %
(225 votes)
43.1 %
(426 votes)
Poland prolly.
Poland Netrunners
Looking forward to see best ET action, PL looks nice but FIN lineup is simply best ;)
Poland Netrunners
Poland Netrunners
Germany Germany I hope
Germany Third Reich for sure!
Poland Netrunners imo, but hope finland will get it :)
easy for netrunners.
Poland Netrunners
Poland NETRunners
how many times i will say this: its easy team now, not netrunners!!!!
Proland ofc
easy one for polakk spammers
Poland NETRunners ofc !
poland :D:DD
p(R)oland ofc
Finlandia, coz rest suck
rofl finland hackers. Germany would probably do it
It was never more obvious.
Poland NETRunners will win.
where is switzerland?
portugal will win it. ezy bash for netcoders!
of course POLAND :O
i still think the finnish guys will do it
Easy bash for Poland NETR
get saintt and drc and play Finland Parodia vs Poland NETRunners
team nl if we didnt get banned
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