Do you play with overclocked hardware?
20 Jul 2007, 16:21
More specifically CPU/GPU, I suppose if you really want to stretch it you could include mice, but that's starting to push it boyos
25.0 %
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EDIT: 3on3 with danoobne?
GF FX5900XT @425/750
AMD64 3000+ @ 2400 MHz here, nP.
Mine is: socket 939, venice core
Or maybe it is just bad luck, nad it can't go any further...
my mobo can only get 1333 fsb :/
56°C @ prime (100% each core)
a 2500+ barton @ 2040Mhz
Basically dont be a cheap skate and just decent equipment then you have no need to overclock :D Being a cheap skate is nothing to be proud of :D
and I thought I got nice components but I didnt, I get quite shitfps. specs on my profile. either is the dualcore or amd, or both.
Overclocking gets unstable so could explain your shitty FPS
Only if you are stupid enough to tell the retailer you blew the chip yourself ... Also most mobo autoshutdown on overheat, you really have to use some insane values to blow a chip ...
Why buy a brand new system and keep it running at default specs if you can easily oc them +10% without any hassle? Also OC'ing can make your pc unstable, but thats why you need to run some app like fastpi and keep it running for an hour or two. Most systems can take +5% without losing a bit of stability.
If you can run your cpu 100% faster why not?
and btw you can run et on both cores...
If you then factor in the relatively low risk of failure from overclocking and the hardware saving when you scale the problem down to cheaper systems, it does actually make sense. It depends on your values and levels of acceptable risk, really.
ati radeon 9600xt @ core: 537 mem: 321 (def 499 & 300)
I removed the site panel of my tower, but in summer I get temperatures of 35° Celsius in my room, that's too hot for the cooler 8(
It was:
Amd opteron 146 2,0 @ 3,0 ghz
Geforce 7900GT 550/800 (stock: 450/660)
2x512 MB Bh-6 ram @ 240mhz 2-2-2-11 timings.
Easy 125 fps :P
Now im struggling to get stable 76 with a cheap pc :(
now i have XP1700 (1400~mhz) @ 2300MHz (worked for 3,5 years, now seems like mobo is dying, cannot boot with anything above 1800mhz, tho if i use PC for liek an hour, reboot and overclock, PC can run @ 2300mhz all the time, till i shut down it for few hours)
before that had XP1600+ (1300~MHz) @ 1800Mhz
my 2nd card GF2Ti was uber clocked
same for 5700
and 9800pro
recently i got 6600GT, havent clocked this one, because its kind of useless with cpu mentioned above...
normaly you can overclock everything, just dont overplay it too much :p
I wanted to go to the 2,8 - 3,0 GHz but my mainbord won't let me, can't lock the SATA BUS.
Anyway I don't want to risk too much so only on "safe" level:
Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 (1.86GHz) @ 3.00GHz (1,35 V, BOX cooling)
MSI 7900GTO (650/660) @ above GTX (710/850)
OCZ Platinum 800MHz @ 915MHz (2,1 V) - it should go above 1000 ;(
Very stable :)
Shall i gonna Overclock the both CPU's?
default 587 / 693
pc @ 3,6ghz, def 3,0ghz
either you use a really good cooling system or your cpu must have been built in wonderland...
and the cpu is running 18-19 C while my room temperature is 21-23 C
(666 votes)
lucky you! :)
even though i've got pc 8500 memory cpuz only shows pc6400 :<