Gbooky - Time for a fresh start?

After 15 Month of GamesTV's Gbooky i'm asking this question out to the community:

Is it time for a fresh start and to reset all bets and money?

If the poll is positive, the whole Gbooky system will be reset when evolving the site to Gtv2 in the near future, otherwise we'll just keep going with the current standings.

Its up to you.

Important for your consideration if you are <100€
Gtv2 has a feature to give every person 5€ on every day that he is below 100€ - dont just vote for a reset because you're poor - you'll be pulled back up.
59.1 %
(701 votes)
14.3 %
(170 votes)
26.6 %
(316 votes)
keep keep keep altough im poor :(
Yes, lets begin fresh
only have 35e left so press reset!
my millions! voted for dont care option tho, but it will be hard getting back my e-monies
reset coz i have 10
everybody who lost money wants a resest, and everybody with a lot of money want to keep their money.

stupid poll.

But let me have my 20k, don't wanna start all over again
I was first place and stuff, but I think it would be more fun to everyone if we reset it =D
I suppose my 1000+ bets will be gone after reset, keep it :p
historical info can be kept if wanted
that's what i wanted to hear ;)
I don't care
dont reset
just give the option for users to reset their own
That's the most stupid idea ever.
dont reset, All the hard work would have been useless! And low cash ppl can always get more money with right bets !
No, keep my current money.
Yes, lets begin fresh
wipe plz
no reset, what was my work for then? :<
wtf, no reset!
15 MONTHS!? pls... I doesn't seem that long ago =(
and yes, restart =)
I really don't care ;-)
Reset I say, let the people with the most cash prove that they can do well again and that it wasn't just a fluke. ;D
dont care about the reset but put the one with most money on top of rankings
I'm ranked in the 100's now, was in the 10's once :D
Reset and I'll be first nP
yes i'm all out of moneyyy
Keep our money for businessmen/women !
keep it of course, bastards, I worked my ass off to get money. If people wanna reset, make a new account. Or add a reset button or something, for those who want.
I dont care - admins decide
im just owning now with my old account, everybody can do that to gain money if they want...

Reset now that idle isnt bashing everyone, and everyone earns money by that.
i'm not the richest around but it would be quite gay to reset just because 90% of the ppl has less than 100
would be a nice idea... In the beginning I never thought it would get so popular, so I didn't support it much. And I just started using it when some ppl had enormous amounts of money, and it felt kinda pointless to start then, because it didn't look realistic to reach them.. And I always just put my 5e to the higher odds in every war..

Ofc, the amount of money is what counts, not the percent u have got more money!
yes cos im shit at betting :<<<<
reset and play raise the stats to 1.25 like an old gtv :<
that sucked
maybe not 1.25-5 atleast 1.25-30 cuz when there is a sure win u cant earn any money :<
why you should get money from a clear win? thats why 1.01 is good.. high betters cant make a fortune for betting clear matches
but for ppl who noobs in betting it can be nice :P
agree put the old odds back when reset, btw too easy for me!
reset and make a system that actually works.
right, how would that work and why doesnt the current one?
hallo arni!
du bist doch ein analherpes
stimmt doch gar nicht :(((((

/me is a hidden emo!
reset and make it 1-5
I dont care - admins decide
need some new system
Reset FTW ( i have 10k, had over 800k ).
my money :( DON'T RESET ffs !
I don't care - admins decide.
Reset when GTV2 is released.
reset !! =(
omfg just keep money ;/
830 votes for 13 000 (-7 000 fake :P) accounts in 3 days is erm... where are your users, toss?
i dont care, admins decide :)
btw, what does near future mean?
You could reset and declare a winner of Season 1 of Gbooky, the person with the most money.
that would be pretty nice
he will get all the money he has !
that would be me, NOT! :D
yeah, delete my 110G's :<
I don't care. Reset.
Give everybody 1 month more and the winner gets a price or smthng ;) and the honour !
Idea by hellgoat
make it from 1.001 to 1000 ;) should give some nice luck payouts to people :P
declare winner of season 1 or smth. Would make ppl to spend more motivation to this
i dont give a flying fuck, nP.
Plz no im at rank 19 :(.
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