So, which new FPS title are YOU playing?

Now as the new big name releases are rushed for the XMAS markets, we are asking you which new PC FPS-title you are playing / are you going to play?
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ET ofcourse
CoD4 if it will be good
and if it wont be good, who cares, i will prolly play with my e-mates so it should be better than etqw
CS Promod goes to older games section, couldnt add Other-option :|
So, which new FPS title are YOU playing?
you dont get it, i fixed the "typo" you made in the title, it should be "are you" not "you are" :D
Hmm, selfowned, but thanks :P I combined two different topictitles with copypasta, thus the typo :/ fixed now
ET: Quake Wars, Portal, Call Of Duty 4, Crysis, Unreal Tournament 3 and older games! :p
ut ofc, back to basics!
CSS(starting) & ET(<3)

this is just while waiting for rtcw2
didnt they quit making rtcw2 already
I guess they did

hf waiting!
et , promod, 1.6
cod4/ut3 looking nice
ET only atm
ET only atm (with some CS pubbing)

will play Crysis SP when i will buy new pc, dont really care about other mentioned titles

cod4=worser than cod
ut3=same us all other previous ut's=dont care
hl2=just piece of shit
qw is crap
GET TEH CANCER AND DIE BITCH! No-one cares about your little life and opinions so fuck off.
now this is a loveful post by an internet hero.

Telling people to get cancer. You are really great.
atm orange box and ut3 demo
i'm playing only for fun atm. some ET, cod4, ut3 and css/csp and a bit of hl2dm when i feel like it :)
You didn`t even list ET, shame on u!
ET, AssaultCube!!
I will probably buy The Orange Box soon. For some TF2 action!
aren't the last 2 options kinda same?

because the poll only concerns new fps games
where are the good old days when at least the polls questions were grammatically correct?
ETQW & CoD4 <3
CoD4 - Same as all the only ones, just a new lick of paint. Good thing!
ET:QW - If they had used a decent engine, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Orange Box - Source engine is even worse then the Doom 3 engine so no thanks.
Crysis - No interest in single player games, apart from Total war ones!
Unreal Tournament 3 - I loved the demo, hopefully it's just as fun on release.

You forgot Painkiller. I play ET and Q3 daily!
agree, except for ut3
Source engine is even worse then the Doom 3 engine so no thanks.

Fucking what?
Can I has a hit box? No you're not even getting one! Literally the worst engine ever made.
lack of private hacks to pay for?

i love this comment!
what the heck? Source Engine might be the best engine in the video game history, no other engine is optimized as good as that.
LoL? There is literally no form of tracking in any game which uses that engine. Spray and pray ftw.

The Q3 engine, is perfection.
except for the hitboxes it's a really nice engine which runs great on most computers and I think stuff look pretty nice too :o
By running great you mean fps drops even with a Core2Duo and 8800GTX? :P
thats you then, i had stable 40 fps on CSS with Geforce FX5500, 512mt and XP 3200+ CPU :)
specs @ profile, i haven't had a single fps drop even with anizo x16 and antialiasing x4. It must be you then.
You are correct. Others are wrong.
agree with the total war part, try the clouds over europe mod for medieval II.
im probably going to play ETQW on new pc dunno :\
q3 engine <3 so ET and cpma
[+] to the power of infinity!
nice engrish and nice not mentioning et with it's name!
csp css et.... might have to buy qw/cod4
what the thell is cs pro? :D
Reallife has beautiful graphic, believe me guys it's fantastic. Let's give a try !
that's an mmorpg, we're talking about fps here m8
Cod4 and Ut3
guys rly, try army :DDDDDD
Try university :<
tf2 is awesome
sim-city famicom
what about bioshock?
ETQW and thinking of Orange Box buying - liek teh TF2.. :o~~
3d online pool
since ETQW is a big disappointment and ET is dead to me, I'll guess ill switch to UT, always been my second fps choice.
q4 is awesome
what's the official patch for it? I got 1.42 atm but there's only 1 server with players so I guess I got a wrong version.

e: found some more, still not so alive as I thought :/
Nope... that's just how dead it is. :P:P
1.4.2 patch and q4max 0.78d :)
cod 4 and hellgate London (which isnt rly fps I know...)
straight from your heart?
hmm sounds great
so true

bet he even doesn't know what cancer is.
qw, tf2, hl2 ep2 :>
Sticking with et :D
for multi palyer ET, and Crysis, Portal, HL2 and CoD4 for single players.
W:ET and World in Conflict!
So, which new FPS title are YOU playing?
staying with ET, gonna try TF2 though
cod4 seems nice.
TF2! awesome game

et is dead. qw is poo. cod4 isnt out :P
I need new PC first :)
not playing on pc anymore :O
Nope dr phil can't help him. Just called dr phil, he said he was not able to help him.
Playing CS 1.6 and waiting for CoD4 and CSP (a decent version of it).
too bad

Now there is no more hope for him!
I'm playing ET ( NOT QUAKE WARS it sucks )
I'm gonna cut myself :(
I just became emo

image: emo
Hehe i can find anyone on google :D
cpma & cod4 in future
cod4 for sure and css
Portal last weekend, HL2:Ep2 this weekend (both were awesome, btw), probably back to Wesnoth now, for the 5-6 hours of gaming a week I have time for (yes, I know, not an FPS, but people were talking about Medieval above)...
QW probably, Crysis and COD4 look pretty good though
look like im gonna actualy BUY cod4 when it comes out. damn good game :)
your willing to play with ironsights?
Orange Box (well, actually ATI 2900XT bundle Black Box) ftw! (:
kueik wars!
atm ET but also have ordered CoD 4 tryed the it!!!
rtcw (has 1-2 crowded public servers) & et
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