Do you have a bicycle that you regularly use?

By request of Meez. Nothing cryptic. Any bike ownage stories would also be nice to hear, especially if blood is involved.
61.6 %
(706 votes)
16.7 %
(192 votes)
21.7 %
(249 votes)
I do not have but I do regularly go to the gym. Even if I had a bike, I live in Edinburgh. It's one massive fucking hill. :(
pff Poland whine, get a bike ;D
So's your Argentina face!
Then that should be fun, go to the peak and all the way back down \o/

I has a Raleigh MTB which I enjoy going down super steep Wales mountain sides, driving through loads of mud and getting myself Earth dirty.
I prefer hiking though :}}}
yea i got a bike but it spends the whole year inside the cellar's walls :D
best poll ever!
I couldn't believe some hours ago that there is someone, who hasn't a bike in europe. But it seems so...
Join the clan.
nigga stole my bike last summer :<
image: whnzp5
he said it rides great
this site is a fucking joke
Because ppl like to ride bikes?
how is it related to this site?
You can ask whatever you like. It doesnt have to be related to gaming.
i have a bike but i never use it :X
Everyone does in the Netherlands! At least, most of us ;p
True that.. was so affraid to cross the amsterdam's streets. It's like they doesn't pay atention to the pedestrians. :S
haha :P they dont even pay attention to the cars!
image: 504298818_cae6d2c086
How can you bike?!
its actually pretty easy and fun driving on a bike with those
skill baby! pure skill!
yea its pedros mum! (shit poll you asked for it) :<
Unless its got a basket or a bell that rings or anything to make it look good then I'm just not interested.
where's the No, I have a car option?
In Not Related poll nearby.

+you are awesome because of your car
beyond awesome, im fuckin deadly!
I once had a nice downhill bike. I saved several months to be able to afford it. Then it got stolen. Now some polish dickhead is prolly driving around with it. Fuckers. :l
my friend has a downhill bike for a few thousand euros :E
Yeah... it gets really expensive, especially if you start "pimping" them.
he doesnt pimp it :o
was driving with a bike for 5000 Euro and for 500 Euro, didnt see the difference :/
different materials :p
different prize!
i has bikecycle
Bicycles are for the weekend!
have it, but use it almost never
I cycled into a lamppost on my first day cycling! Then again the next day... :(
what happened on the third day?
The lamppost cycled in to him!
that only happens in soviet russia
On the third day, God created the oceans, the dry land, and vegetation. Listen to what the Scriptures say:

"And God said, 'Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.' And it was so. God called the dry ground 'land', and the gathered waters he called 'seas'. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, 'Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.' And it was so…And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning-the third day." (Gen. 1:9-11,13)

Thus, on the third day, God the Great Designer, created the oceans and the rivers, along with thousands of different types of trees and plants, each with its own fruit and seeds. What a delicious variety of foods God made: mangoes, bananas, coconuts, melons, tomatoes, cabbages, carrots, rice, millet, peanuts, and thousands of other kinds of food! And God said, concerning everything that He had created, "It is good!" Everything that God makes and does is good, wonderful and perfect! We have already seen that there is only one thing that God cannot do. God cannot do that which is bad, because God is good!

Perhaps some of you are asking, "If God is good, then why is the world full of evil and strife? Why didn't my field produce well this year? Why is my child sick? If God is good, why does evil come forth from man?" Truly, these are important questions, and the Holy Scriptures give us satisfying answers which we will hear in coming lessons. For today however, let us simply keep in mind this important truth: God is good, and as a result, everything that God created was good.

Let us take a moment to consider the goodness of God. We just heard how He created the trees on the third day. Do you know why God created the trees with their fruit? Did God need them? Did He create the trees full of lovely fruit to satisfy His own hunger? No! God the Creator is never hungry and is in need of nothing! Why, then, did God create the trees? The Scriptures show us that, God, in His goodness, created everything for man, whom He planned to create on the sixth day.
And God said, it was good!
you should've expected a comment like the one ensam just made ;p stupid, stupid stormeh ;>
being stupid is what i do best :<
Have to use it every day to get to school / gf. So yes I have one, and I am not mobile anymore without it :p.
ik zag vandaag firewall marlousss uit de auto stappen @ ashram.
Aight, ik was thuis met kaakkanker.
this poll is useless, who will admin on crossfire that he's fatty no mate or just doesnt go out of the room and pc of course? :-)
once I drove drunk, Too much speed = crash.. I was in hospital few days and bike is still broken :<
As I said in the journal, I don't have a bike and don't know how to ride one. Never had the need. (And calling me a fatty would be quite hilarious).

EDIT: As a not particularly interesting side note, my uncle is one of the world's leading experts on classic bicycles.
Are you serious? Never felt like you wanted to learn it just for fun?
Imo it's a basic skill, just like walking or swimming. Even if you don't need it, once you've learned it it's always available to you.
I agree, it's probably not a bad idea to learn it. I don't need to, though, so I'll quite possibly never get around to it.
I only 'learned' 5 years ago (21 now), just hopped on it and some how knew how to do it allready, nothing to it really.
Go eat a cheeseburger, fatty!
hilarious indeed, even the grim reaper is fatter than you are

even if you've never learnt how to ride a bike, when the moment comes and you finally decide to take a chance, remember this: it's a skill you don't forget, once you've learnt it it sticks into your brains, never to let go again :) hf & bicycle lessonz
"EDIT: As a not particularly interesting side note, my uncle is one of the world's leading experts on classic bicycles." o rly thanks for the infozzz
i go to school by bike for 5 years now and i FUCKING HATE IT
I have a city hybrid, but I kinda wish I'd gotten a racing hybrid instead (or even better; one racer, one MTB and one city bike :P).
yes I do, cycling atleast around 10 kilometers per day during the week (to school and back). a lot cheaper than going by car/bus!
every day..

i got even 4 bikes xD
eveyone in holland got a bicycle
Holland has the major advantage that it's almost completely flat, in terms of bicycles. The South of England isn't too hilly, but the North (where Meez was talking about originally) is.
the south isn't flat (there are like 2 hills and stuff), and even in less-flat countries people have bikes!
things i crashed into while riding a bike (drunk): Bushes, tree, stopsigns,streetlights, nettles, other people (both by bike or foot) and a moving truck while they were loading furniture XD
Lol I wonder who doesnt have a bike ^^

It depends on the country I guess

Well where I live everyone has a bike (even my grandmother)
i have but im fatty !!
my bycicle fucked up after a "downhill"-tour ... now i have a scoot in ~a month i have a car...
scott you mean? or a scooter?
i have a bike but i destroyed it :( will buy a new one for the summer again ^^
Yeah, I do have one but it's b0rken at the moment.
nigga stole my bike 2 years ago@summer! :{
I have 2 bikes, my sjikke-fiets and my skool-bike
One with bagage-carrier and one without?
One falling apart and one that's ok :D
everyweek with friends!
image: cicwi7

one crush in 10 years, speed was around 55 but no serious injuries, only two big abrasions
Most finns got a bike aswell I think. Including me.
i have 3 bikes, i won.
have one - but don't really use it... BMX ftw in summer sometimes though..


I have 4 1/2 bikes :D love riding i'll go out on a bike most days either off road or road riding or trials love it all :D!
i have a bike depending on which house i am.
got one too , but i use itonly in summer :d
not atm... getting one for the summer :)
Haven't had one since I was ten...My uncle was trying to hook me up with one so I could go riding whenever he came to visit, I'm not overly keen.
i cycle every day 45min to school & then back :x
i use mine loads =D

nice pol imo :P although sort of predictable outcome
I cycle to school every day
Im not very fond of biking for some reason. Also i can use the bus for "free." Not that there are many busses driving out of my tiny village..
OMFG Bikes sux! People, use cars!!! How can i filter this bike stuff from CF?
what about: I have more than one bike?

Road-Racing + Hardtail Mountainbike + City Bike (which is too ugly to get stolen \o/ )
I cycle every day 10km to school and 10km back with my mountainbike xD also sometimes go into forest to crash onto some trees.
Sometimes go cycling around roundhay park, Meez you know of it?
Use my bike everyday to go to school & back, use it to go to the gym 4 times a week.

yay being banned helps your life
i'm using my lovely bike for like 6 years now to get to school / station and almost everywhere...but now finally i got my moped, so KTHXBIBUY bikey!
i'm actually only using a bike when i want to come home from where i am, but it isn't really my "own" bike :D
well i don't feel sorry for the owner, some ngr stole my bike too :< :D
Queen - Bicycle Race
these poll options are pretty stupid. i have a bike but i don't regulary use it. no, i'm not "fatty no mates".
Most poll are suggested to admins by members so please, feel free to suggest. :)
most of the time goin round the place i live wid ma mateyyysss :P

Wales > all
how can someone not have a bike? :o
I have 3 bikes, and need them way of transportation in The Netherlands.
Marin Bobcat Trail & Scott YZ-1
I have a bike, used to ride to school no matter whether it was winter or summer. Now there's too much hills and 2x longer distance -> cycling summers only
i got even 2 bikes!

one i trashed while downhill was v. popular and one that is getting rusted in basement
i dont have a bike !
im fatty
bycicles r for gays
Car > bike oO

y should i cycle if i can drive^^
why would you drive if you can cycle?
im lazy and like it comfortable?
I use my bike to go to school every day =o
my profile picture is caused by a bike! a bit of alcohol was involved as well.......
i am tough!
When i was ridin' a bike for first time, i didn't know how to use the brakes - crashed straight into drain. But i didn't get hurt in any way...
Bikes own, people should ride em' more.
I like riding my bike
Yes, i have a bike xD
Everybody, ride with bike.
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