Who will win the UEFA EC?

Requested by Loekino. Nothing cryptic, for more discussion/predictions about the game please read this.

We have this poll and a forum thread to comment on. There's no need for 40 journals, Ireland sol will just delete them anyway. He's a bastard like that.
26.2 %
(261 votes)
60.2 %
(601 votes)
13.6 %
(136 votes)
izi bash for ger
i don't care, but there's no way i'm watching top_faggot_gear
Quote by sennwas STRAIGHT EDGE for 6 years - no more since 15/12/07

Really odd thing to put in your profile and then call Top Gear gay. :o
i don't get it... :(
what's gay with being straight edge?
spain ! and sol aint a bastard !
GO SPAIN GO!.... I really hope that Germany won't win this one, its been such a long time since Spain has won :)
Because spain is laik low+
Go Spain! Bloody sol...
Would love to see Spain win but those Germans love to ruin a party. The German goal will be protected with thousands of beach towels, so no strike will be able to penetrate the wall of holiday nightmare!

Only way Lehman could keep a clean sheet! :XD
It'll probably be Germany, but I'd like to see Spain win. They've been a joy to watch the entire tournament.
ROFL, no fucking CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!
I'd like Spain to win because watching Germans play hurts my eyes :c
Finland gunslingers will take it
Germany will forfeit due to hacking in semis, Russia will play Turkey best of 3 format. winner plays Spain in winners bracket final. Spain have to be beaten twice, will put out a young stamina high team in the first game, and lose 2-1 but destroy their opponents fitness. first team will come out and 6-0 np.

if only everything was like ET?

if Germany dont have ballack, I dont rate their chances - even with Villa not able to play for Spain.
since the Netherpro's are out: C A R E
ballack will play!

we're not desperated when we see tits pls, it's normal here :D
I think Germany will but I hope Spain do.
Germany like i guessed before it started!!
Hopefully Spain but i guess Germany will take it
izi bash 4 spain
Germany for me there experiance will have a great advantage.
Schade deutschland alles ist vorbei!

Germans don't deserve to win this EC, they only won some random lotto matches. Winning an EC and not being avle to play decent football shouldn't be allowed. Think those mofo's are cheating, ban them plox.
I think Germany will win, But I hope Spain takes it!!!!
German team should be on top.
They had one day off, so they could rest before this match and review strategy [but somehow i can't imagine how to learn 11+ guys new tax]
What a shit defense Germany have.
so true :P
ouh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Well deserved winners. I feel sorry for Ballack though, always a runner up. :o

[edit] or third place!!11
He did not deserve to win though! In fact, he was horrible :XD
True. I still feel sorry for him though!
I think it's me getting older, but hey, football was way cooler years ago :x
It's actually the other way around.
poor hammond....this time has been muted (no microphone)
i dont care..
gg spain !! YES !
a bit too late this poll .
haha german got owned................
I'll vote for Germany.
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