Will you be watching the Olympics?
10 Aug 2008, 19:30
With the Olympic games starting last Friday and going on for a gruelling 16 full days will you be cheering your country on and watching the events as they happen?
35.6 %
(437 votes)
10.3 %
(126 votes)
9.8 %
(120 votes)
44.3 %
(543 votes)
China will dope its way to the top. USA fails.
Those where compete
only country that takes basketball seriously, I wonder who will win
Basketball is only a big money game in the US and in some ways china, in the UK basketball is not a serious sport in the same sense that football or rugby is and the same can be said for the majority of countries.
Look at where all the top basketball players chose to play...yeah, the US. Look at the same for football and the best players are spread out over 10+ countries
No, it's because no other national league is equal to the NBA.
I'm using England as an example but it still stands for the majority of countries.
Look at the number of times the USA has lost at basketball at the Olympics, you can count it on your fingers since it was introduced in 1936
yes individually (and as a whole) they are worth squillions. but like if they where to take it serious come on, where is kevin garnet and the such.
also just watch vs china they just having fun really.
maybe javelin
2/3 usa/russia
If there are no ONline Games in the Olympic Games, there is no reason to watch it
The gymnasts were good :>
The prepubescent gymnasts be a bit .o/
Actually, sports doesn't suck, just olympics.