Would you be interested in a World Cup for Clans?

With a recent topic being opened by Rhand about creating a World Cup for clans in ET http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=70051. Just like we have the Eurocup, but then with Americans, Aussies, Japanese etc. This Cup would be open for all, just like the old Uefa Cup in football with lower teams playing quali's first after which higher teams get added.

*This poll is to take a look at how the community views this idea, and if it is positive we will try to realize the idea, so make sure you vote good and explain why you voted so we (maybe) could implement your idea!
63.6 %
(865 votes)
15.7 %
(213 votes)
20.7 %
(281 votes)
tbh sounds nice, but i find it...undoable?
Well I agree, care to explain what you think would be needed in order to make this work?
i dno exactly how to put this. probably biggest pain in the ass will be deciding which team belongs to which continent. teams that have full lineup from 1 country( eg cortana??) are easy, but teams that have players all over europe, who says which country the team belongs then? am i going far off, or are u still on track with me? :DD
How is that relevant actually? Countries don't matter.
nvm, i knew im going far off :)
The pings will be awesome, no solutions for that though except a server located somewhere in the middle of countries, giving both of the teams 150+ ping.
ye this will be the biggest problem for this cup. imo that's why clanbase have their policies as they are in th EC. some time back the Quake 3 winners from europe and the us played each other at a lan event(must have been over 2 years back now) as a sort of intercontinental cup(chamionsleague winner vs american cup winer -> ec winner and second placed vs us cup winner and second placed).

although this seems very undoable as well.
I'd like to add that it's not only for the best teams. Open For All is the goal.

Tournament layout would be like old Uefa Cup system.

continental 1 CCB
continental 2 NAF
continental 3 BBQ
continental 4 OBC

Old system as in:

Quali, First Round, Second Round, and so on. Without the poules as in the current layout.
right knockout system.
What's that CCB, NAF-shit n stuff? xD
well need to check up these, will explain later
just make a one-day cup imo :-(
Yeah sure, why not?:
of course but which non-european clan is able to beat the best european clan?:D
i said "the best european clan" :P
im pretty sure that they wont beat TLR, Mamut, FF and others

it would end like the eurocups :D
I was only kidding anyway. But considering that a lot of non-EU teams reached the playoffs in past World/Nation Cups it wouldn't surprise me to see a few "shocking" results.

But I even doubt that a lot of EU's topteams will be competing. Contacted a few at the start of 2008 when I first had this idea and most weren't interested.
je, the shocking news will only come coz of pings
No, because if you actually watched those games vs Japan and Australia you'd notice both teams had equal pings. So if both teams played at LAN, result would still be the same.
TLR and mamut would not be allowed to participate in a tournament like this I guess?
nevermind, misread
If you make TLR play on an american server against a good american team I think they could surprise a lot.
maybe with capturing the flag :D
I think you're underrating Americans and overrating TLR :>
[10:47am] <nde|warp> Did you guys win the cup?
[10:47am] <uQ-Ati_> yes
[10:47am] <nde|warp> Excellent
[10:47am] <nde|warp> How does it feel?
[10:47am] <uQ-Ati_> ;o
[10:47am] <uQ-Ati_> as usual
[10:47am] <nde|warp> Like great or just like cool?
[10:48am] <uQ-Ati_> ... -.-
[10:48am] <nde|warp> lol
[10:48am] <nde|warp> I dunno, Im an American
:P that's like judging all americans just by bush.. I mean they can't all be that stupid.
Name one american team that is capable of beating one of the Eurocup teams
zeroE team (xf) easily
taaps anim axcess nozz elusive tranix and some others should be able to beat a lot of EC teams on an american server
Isn't that team made like 2 weeks ago ?
Ye but they've played on and off together for the last few seasons
I guess we'll have to wait on results to see whos right
they are still shit compared to actually decent teams such as tlr, mamut..
Hmm I wonder why.
I dont, though I wonder how can anyone say they would be worthy opponents.
They could, very realistically, be/become worthy opponents. That's the point, allow that possibility.
everyone _could_
"very realistically"
Which goes back to my original message, NA ET is lower skilled because there are less competitions, less clans, less interest. All of that is "easily" changeable. Again, allow the possibility instead of making assumptions from the start.
nde were of course the best NA team ever...
excell are good :>
and let's do it other way around tlr and good us team in eu server same shit the ping will be 50 to one and 150 to other team and that's not how u want to play and i can't see why any player would like to play 150 ping
Thing is americans were always forced (NC/WC) to play like that.
its about taking part :xD
well, you're right ^^

Good idea :)
imo groupstages should be between ppl who live in the same area for example the continents Europe, asia etc. so there are less ping issues.
voted Yeah sure, why not?
what about the timezones?
If intercontinental games are played in the weekends there shouldn't be too much problems if both teams use a bit common sense.
playing at 5 am in the morning , why not?
sounds nice
better not
Well, I doubt that EC teams have motivation to play it, unless its before a big lan or so
ETL would be willing to donate American servers & whatever other resources to make something like this happen.

It can work. One thing I'm learning with the DBGRC is expect slow progression. In order for it to work teams would need to be as considerate as possible of teams from diff countries & not sit there & demand matches be played exactly when they want. Would take a considerable amount of compromising by everyone involved.
Indeed, when there is will, there is a way!
ppl whine about polish laggers, but want to play worldcup hmm ok? you also just can search 6on6 low no server skill, if you want to feel better than others -.-
How is wanting to play in this trying to make you feel better than others?
He admits that in his opinion, his clan would own any non-european team with easy, such like playing against low skills.
only these will be or you with 100+ping or they, so what is the use of such cup? fun? xD
I hate to play with ping above 80 so I won't participate either, but at first it seemed to be a nice idea for me.
Depends on the circumstances
Warning Level: 95 / 100
its called Eurocup

rest of the teams are crap
Japan, Chile, Aus... they are up to noch non eu teams they could make teams between themselves so that 3 or even 4 possible teams because they each have 2 backup players..
In such a situation, teams from every continent should play they own Eurocup (Asiacup etc.) with the same rules that we use nowadays in our Eurocup. Than we should pic from every continent 4 or 8 teams that surpassed the playoffs. After that we could just... play & hf :)
why not, it's not like it can do some damage
well, I really doubt that top teams are having motivation for this
Everything new for community is great, if it is well organized and got broadcasting/news
also i would sponsor the cup with some servers if they are wanted.
finally , god yes!
to laggy

and what time will the wars be going on ?

in mid day or at night
every1 going to work / school or when every1 is in bed
Do you still play ET?
Id love to see it, #care about the lag, as long as not playing 300+. i think the cup would be manageable, but expect a lot of random drop outs and some teams are going to be really awkward with scheduling matches!
should be a nice opportunity for the non european clans to get more famous in etscene ;D
that would just be EC with some american teams => lag.. I don't see any improvement
This time you could perhaps win a couple of matches!
a good one, made me lol :>
I don't play anymore
just do it
good idea, but no thanks.. there is already cancer-rs -cup, ec, expekt cup??, cc5 etc.. maybe in the future
This is for after cc5, IF we do this cup at all.
I think most of the teams will stop after cc5
I think most of the teams will stop after CPC 2
I think most of the teams will stop after CDC 3
I think most of the teams will stop after CDC 4

We'll see. If that prophecy finally comes true for once, then this cup will be for those who didn't quit. I don't give a rat's arse if mamut, TLR and vae play or don't.
still I dont get.. there are like what? 10 non-european teams? and I think that none of them can compete against eurocup clans.

and yes I have played against americans, japans, australians etc. on us server
Most EC-teams won't participate anyway.
you are right... depends if there are prizes, doubt many ec teams would like to spawnkill enemies with 150 ping 8)
Doubt there will be prizes.
I will donate some :D
japan, aus and chile can :)
dont think so
they can easily, im not saying they can beat tlr, mamut and FF but im sure they can beat the teams that didnt qualify for the knockout rounds of the EC, but hey if they had a tad of luck maybe they could cook up something special
"good idea, but no thanks.. there is already cancer-rs -cup, ec, expekt cup??, cc5 etc.. maybe in the future"

"I think most of the teams will stop after cc5 "

If you think that then why are you saying in the future :}?
I am saying 'maybe in the future'.. depends if there are prizes or smth like that
of course there will be prizes..
QuoteDoubt there will be prizes.

welcome to my ignore list
and welcome to mine

image: photo_lg_seychelles
Eurocup is fine?
If there would be some good Asian, American or African teams then maybe yes but there aren't many decent skilled clans except for a few US ones (and even then they would strugle to qualify for EC). So u got like 10 skilled EU teams vs 1 team from each continent?? or if it's 1 from every continent then u got 1 very skilled clans from EU playing noobclanz against the rest of the clanz from the other continents?

Eurocup is good enough. U got all the skilled teams in Europe (and so 90% in the world) playing each other at good times with good ping so what's the benefit of adding teams from US or AUS?

Besides that ET is already 5 years old. It's to late. Rtcw 2 is out in 6 months or smthg.

and too much lag too

This idea is a joke.
You mean the same 6-7 guys that compete every year can participate in the NC.
I edited my post, wasn't finished yet.

But the games from EU teams against AUS, Chile or Japan are just a joke. They add nothing to the tournament. I think they should scrap all those teams.
While I agree that it may be a slaughter of the non-EU teams, can't really dismiss them so quickly. I can honestly say I have no clue what some of these lesser known regions can produce. Their NC performance sadly shouldn't be how you judge them since it seems to me they just pick friends or well known people.

Look at the US NC team for example; they haven't even gotten to the top 3 to my knowledge and the US is literally as big as Europe and it is just one country. In that big space of land... could you honestly tell me that there aren't any players better then Axcess and Vader? No offense to them, they are good players, they are just examples since I'm pretty sure they've been in almost/every US NC team. Now I'm not saying we should throw people from 2.55 into the NC line-up, just that there has to be some other up and coming players out there who have the motivation, time, and skill to play. This paragraph would probably be different if they would just prac. -.-

A more open world cup would give players the opportunity to become known, growing the community.

edit: didn't read what harris said... coincidentally said mostly the same thing. lol
Most of the non-EU teams actually did quite good last NC and world-cup. USA, Chili, Australia and Japan all reached the playoffs.
You are right they did play very well, especially Japan, Chile, and Australia. I was just saying that some of these teams statistically haven't played to their potential, whether it be because of negligence or not.

This world cup would help reverse some of this "no new guys" stigma for all countries.
You've got a good point though. All these people are dismissing it based on theoretical results now, yet the point would be to let the community grow, and if anything teams will improve.
Its an idea for the guys who dont get many chances to participate in skilled cups, so they get more matches and this could invite more people from non-european countries to start playing ET or to step up to the competition level...so the non-european crossfire community grows, we have already seen progression of this act, as we have welcomed the evil territory league which hosts a NA side to its cup which has 22 North american sides in total... and thats only North american teams, who knows how much this cup is going to boost the amount of
Non-european teams in this community, All im saying is we should definatly give it a try.
I know but those matches are gonna be onesided OR one of those (or both) will have major lag issues and what's the fun of playing a war with high pings? And it wouldn't be fair for the team with the highest pings. Any decent team can win with 50 ping against teams with 200 ping.
I haven't seen 1 good match against/from Aus or japan or chile.
And I don't think the community will grow that much with rtcw2 around the corner.

And EC is just perfect no? I know they are not included but it's just not do-able in a fair/fun way.
Most EC-teams will prolly not play anyway.
Mhm ok.

If it's just a cup like there are so many other ones, why not it doesn't do any harm but if it replaces EC or something (or only 1 EC and 1 WC a year instead of 2 EC's) then no thx.

But I think it's too late now anyway with rtcw2 around the corner.
Lol, Im not from CB so I can't make such a decission ;-p
ah yea right they kicked u :)
gl 4 u fizmo
care @ ur ass baby
dont hate me now ;(((
RTCW2 just around the corner haha. :D
Won't be any different then EC I guess. With all respect but I don't expect a new talent full australian top team or something.
Ye nice, 150 ping on US server, it sucks deeply into the deepest anal hole you can find on this planet.
That's why you play on a UK server. :< East Coast US players will ping 90-120 and I'm sure Eastern EU players will ping 50-80. I have no solution for West Coast US, lol.
Stop whining, 150 ping is not unplayable at all. A stable 150 ping gives barely any difference with playing in West-EU.
No it doesn't, the whole tracking becomes different and you don't know where to track, you have to shoot infront of the model and where the model is headed. And another thing, they can react quicker because they have no intermission of lag so they are always in an advantage.

But hey, you can set this cup up and all, but there are just some people who won't be competing.
Okay, for a first-timer there might be quite a difference. But, as everything in life, you get accustomed to it really quick and then you barely feel the difference.
Uh, long range tracking is really easy with high ping, same as with 50 ping. It's just close range battles that are more difficult, since they get the first shot, resulting in higher knockback, shake, whatever, and you have to compensate for that rather than it being an even battle.
You only get negative aspects when you have 150, it's annoying.
When I'm talking about high ping, I'm talking about anything above 100, 150 included (yes, I've played with 150 ping quite a bit).
good idea, hopefully i can get some austrian guyz back to et.
Not really. Most NC teams are pretty much made up of two-three clans or end up becoming a single team when the cup is over anyway.
1st Prize

- 20 Slot Gameserver
- 20 Slot Voiceserver
- 20 BNC's

2nd Prize

-20 Slot Voiceserver
-20 BNC's

3rd Prize

-20 BNC's

ye sure, but make it like CB does on the Q3 OC for example, like teams from the same region in the same group, you will avoid some server probs in the playoffs then :P
voted nr. 3 just for the 'hombre'
probably something im not intrested in
but it doesnt hurt the scene either so why not
why?? too much et = no sex?
yea americans/japanese guys will win cause europeans have to play in american servers ? sounds like a cool idea !
not nessacarily, the server could be located in a suitable place for both teams
ye like that will ever happen, they forced everyone to play in american servers @ nationscup, why would they change it now
Because it wont be the same admins running it :)
i played some days om a us-server with a ping +100 it's hard :S it would work out if there would be a server where both teams would have a ping +100
would work out even better if they had -100
ye but i guess this won't work out with - 100 :(
100 ping is already enough (120-130 @ gtv servers), so thanks, but no thanks.
enemy territory champions league?? not even close guys..
This is not an ET Champions League.
I just joined Mamut for this.....in my mind i did, NIGHT WE PLAYED IN SNL BROSEPH!!!
Underrating non-euros is one thing.

Overrating is a whole different story. Americans/Japs/Chile/Whatever wouldn't stand a chance against an European top team like TLR.
Afaik the only one really overrating them is harris, forgive him ;-p.

About the topteams, based on checking the votes I'd say that the only topteam so far with more than 1 player interested is TLR. I doubt more than a handful EC-teams will participate.
3on3, yes.
ping differences will fuck this up
3v3 cups which take longer than 1 day are a massive fail. Just take a look at the 3v3 OC's from the past seasons. Considerable more dropouts than 6v6 OC's.
i remember USA playing vs a euro team in a past nationscup and they were using a server somewhere in the atlantic and pings were about equal?
This: http://img501.imageshack.us/img501/7153/navseuevenpingsjg7.jpg
Was ideal, it was an Atlantic Battle not a Nations Cup.
ic thx for clearing that up

but ya can't we use a server from that location?
and when it comes to east asian teams, you can use a server somewhere in between like they did with japan and other east asian teams which played NC on a US server and both teams had equal ping
would be nice :D
Might have worked a year and a half ago, but not now. To put the teams in NA, SA or AUS or Asia against the best of Europe would be like dropping already ground meat into a blender.
For probably the 10.000th time, most top European teams (EC-playoff teams) won't compete.
Then why even play? No one cares about the myriads of down-syndrome filled euro teams who think they're amazing because idle is better than any NA team, they only care about the better teams. If they can't play someone good why play against someone who bitches to play at their time and their servers?
Ask that yourself. I'm not forcing anyone to play, I'm just seeing of people would be interested.
would be nice...i think every top player is used to bad pings >80 <160 so why not
Senseless, why? Obviously winning clans in clanbase or other leagues would win this cup, so as I said it's senseless
Not at all.
won't hurt anyone tbh :)
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