Would you join a new #6on6.et channel?

Recently there has been a rather large uproar in the 6on6 channel after repeated reports that the admins of the 6on6.et channel are banning players/teams from the channel after they lost a game versus them. So on request by Netherlands Ati_, I present you with this poll to see whether you all have interest in a new channel.
24.7 %
(300 votes)
33.7 %
(410 votes)
20.4 %
(248 votes)
21.2 %
(257 votes)

Ok. I'll try and pull some strings. This is way too much hassle for our already somewhat split community ;_;.
Everything I request will be posted!
Everything I request will be posted!
Not saying it should be done, just because Ati made a suggestion which I thought was worthwhile to explore in. Whether people should actually execute the idea, is up to them.
its fuckign dumb getting banned for being talented and experienced.
it's not bout being talented, it's bout being newtalented.
its fuckign dumb getting banned for being newtalented
because only the old guys can be skilled
its not like the current "pros" weren't newtalented@ first
nope we started at the high lvl directly ;]
Nice ego :P
Since when u were high :|
Seeing as I am already banned, I voted yes under all circumstances, because I wouldnt have another choice when I would want to search.
When I get back from college I'll look into it for you :\
cheaters as admins? ...great :XD
Idiots posting at crossfire? ...great :XD
Nice, but it would also be nice if the admin was normal (with that i mean, responding to a PM you get)
i hope you wont take cf admins, i really do
I think the best situation would be a channel where nobody has op, but obviously this could be hard to manage. Need people who could have Q flags but remain unopped as regular users and are mature enough to only interfere with the channel when it's really needed (eg flooders, spammers, maybe cheaters serving CB bans)
you need someone to bad the retards for crashing servers/players that play with private cheaters(senti & co etc). or else i dont really see a point in making a new channel, maybe for the 1% ofthe players getting kicked by shine:[
if someone pms me and provides me the serverlog that proves that a person crashed a server then I'll ban that person, if it happens to me I normally tempban the person for a couple of weeks in a hope that they learn their lesson.
why? new cb config takes care of the WS bug...
Quote Meez on 14/11/08, 18:41:49

Sorry, my ability to see the future has been kind of poor lately.
oh sry didnt see the date you posted =) have been away sins last Thursday =)
You just need someone who isn't a complete utter moron, someone we can trust.
i'm not avi!
Only if there are admins there which I trust and handle their powers correctly

p.s. I can be the admin :C
then nobody would join it
I can't see anything wrong in my person so why not :)
u are one of them
gnajda for admin!
if only im a new admin
I cant search for a wars since about 1 year now? so yes, under all circumstances because it's fucking dumb :/ I got banned twice, every time after we pwnd his team in a war lol
Only if there is a possibility of votebanning servrecrashers.. fuckin' kids
so our TaavI would be finally banned ;p
I ban them :)

99% of time they come whining at me and claiming they didnt do it, retards haven't heard of server logs :)
If there were new channel, yes.
screw 6on6.et
whining shits
Only if there are admins there which I trust and handle their powers correctly:
CB bans cross-referenced with the Crossfire PBGuid database played on closed servers using the lua script, anyone banned from Crossfire for cheating gets automatically banned. Removes the need for control from ops. The sooner that capability is present the cleaner the game will be.

Ofc that assumes people trust CB & Crossfire ~/
couldn't agree more => +1
hmmm i dwouldn't trust it tbh...there are too much discussion which end in "burn the witch"
that would fail, since some members got banned for spamming cf
Read what I said.
woeps:D, you still need someone to ban the nC costumers and suspicious players that cant be CB banned (1 day hero's)
Why would you use lua?
Its perfectly possible with msl. Every registered person with banned status, has an IP ban on an IRC channel or isnt that what you ment?
been banned for a month now :<

FUCK 6on6.et!!!!!
It's not like i'm banned from 6on6.et (which I will be now I think ;p), but admins that are abusing their powers for personal reasons(like sol) is just ridiculous in a channel like this.
yeah, it really is fucking stupid.
Annoyed me too, lost my ops a few days ago for unbanning :>

oky bibuy
hahahaha :D:D
[x] C A R E
Only if there is somekind of script that people who idle only 1 channel can't get int becuase that usually are cheaters... or somekind of bot that can kick all players who have a pbban :) that would be awesome
bad idea.. people will join mirc for a war and then they'll get banned.. awsome
about the PBBan, your mirc nick wont tell the bot your pbban..
no but you could go on IP.... but oh I forgot. ofc everyone who gets banned ofc have nonstatic IP and OFC someone in his neighborhood OFC playes et AND OFC HE CHEATS AND NOT THE PERSON GETTING ACCUSED...

see a pattern emerging??!! not too blow my own horn or anything but I know a thing or too about networks. (5 years at uni to become computer engineer). this combined with some probability teachings leads me too this conclusion

Dynamic IP ranges are (usually) distributed among a small physical area. IE a pool of IP are used in part of a city. now the probability ofc every person who gets busted having another ET player in his direct neighborhood playing ET is not THAT great. ET has a rather small and shrinking community of active players.

for some reason though, we as a community have chosen to accept the "I have a dynamic IP, so its wasn't me" excuse.

Most ISPs CAN provide you with a static IP for a small fee. If you are a serious gamer, who use the "It wasn't me" excuse. prove it by getting a static IP and the problem is gone. now the laws of probability tell us that 90% or something like that WONT get a static IP and continue to blame dynamic IPs.

hence you could, if QNET didn't mask IPs for registered users ban by the IP the users had when ban was issued.
gtfo noob
just what happened yesterday.. i played with the admins and the other team got banned for cheating
happens all the time
I don't know exactly what's going on in #6o6 channel. Can't u replace those admins or add other admins? If they really are fucking it up then yes, otherwise no.
I should be a 6on6 admin, know who is really cheating, np.
you sir, don't behave like an admin here, why would you behave in a 6on6-channel (no offense)?
i'm just saying that from what i have been reading, this is way too retarded, banning poeple for losing in a war, or cos their server sucks.

i don't even play ET so it woudn't effect me. i will just ban those who are banned from cb/xfire. (since i think i'm the one who might remember who cheated or is banned ;p)
people can open a 2nd mirc without Qauth and join with a fakenick np.
And if you ban their subnet they can use Proxies VPN etc.
You just can't ban them completly from a IRC channel. Well maybe some dumb cheaters.

It is a nice idea tho.
We could give it a try.
we can give the channel +r or smth so that only authed ppl can join (that way we know who they are atleast)
/msg q hello free-random-email free-random-email

if its a random guy and he is searching for med+/high. i can ask him for his cb/xfire account and if he gives me a fake one i can check by matching the irc with the cb ip.
Maybe add a rule that you must add your auth @ your crossfire profile and a bot which would crosscheck everybody who joins the channel and kick out whoever doesn't fit that rule? It wouldn't be too hard to code tbh ^^ But it sounds a bit sci-fiction.
i don't know how to code, but would be nice to use it.

and who cares about it being sci-fiction.

if the ppl (mostly cheaters) whine, they can find wars on another channel :)
I'm coding a bit and was using an eggdrop for quite some time just for fun, and I can surely say it is possible from that point of view - I dunno how's about the other issues ( I mean, crossfire must add such a form and make that info avi for the channel bot and stuff :> ).

By the sci-fi I mean that it won't happen because there won't be nobody avi for the management stuff ( I mean, creating the channel, talking with crossfire admins, getting people to use the channel and stuff like that ;) ).
i got time to do that ;P
Oh I see your point now :P

Then I wish you gl ! :D
tnx :p

btw did they kick shine? cos i can't see him on 6on6.et
his new irc nick is `BIGBOSS`

"people can open a 2nd mirc without Qauth and join with a fakenick np."

Did that and got banned again. He's a fucked up faggot.
but don'T forget the low-skilled dudes (or even worse) who don't know xfire or cb and only play for fun ;)
You know hes not an admin here?
yes i know. he is an admin @cb and you know what i meant with my sentence. it is not the case that there are x journals/topics/articles about it, right? ;)
or we could just remove the bad admins
If we could do that we would, I mean the guy has owner of the chan and we can't remove it.
Quakenet is a free platform, everyone can create his own channel. it only depends on the users. users liked to join short channels, easy to notice. so if you support the shortest channel with the worst admin, do not wonder about the facts, which are going to be discussed right n0w.
experienced it myself
I tried to warn shine/wulf several times, only answer I get are 'they are cheaters' or 'I dont care'.

Since shine/wulf is a rl-friend of exz (owner 6on6.et), he wont be removed.

Whenever someone asks me to unban him, I try to do so, but shine/wulf will simply reban the person in question and flame me for unbanning him...
And yes, its known that shine bans people for personal reasons, ie. he lost a match and bans the player. Very immature..

I will contact exz for the last time, and show him this poll, if no action will be taken, I'm afraid that creating a new channel will be the best option indeed.

Also see: http://nopaste.com/p/aCz8p6q4A

if they won't remove that admin or fix things, reply to me pls.
You dont need to play him to get banned,

i got banned 2/3 days ago or so, only played 6on6 that day ( vs stargate + desire) i doubt hes a member of one of those.
Why don't you remove these retards' statuses then? Afaik you always were the big boss of the channels?
Except for 6on6.et where he doesnt have +n (owner).
Hmm, that's a pitty
exz is also very fast with banning people though (as far as i remember). so i doubt that talking to him will change much!
Could you unban me? :/

Q-Auth: Cokeser
When I started building up the channel 3 years ago, exz has been the only one idling in the channel before me. We had a chat on start building up the channel together and he agreed. He said that alba (now shiNe) also wanted to try it but he has been to holiday for 2 weeks or something like that. At the beginning, I even got flamed for trying to do so, as at that time #et.gather has been the only big channel in ET and was used for not only gathering but also match finding and advertising. After two weeks we had a respectable peak of about 200-300 idling people in our chann. That was the time when Tarzan contacted us to start a cooperation as he was the owner of 3on3.et which had already 600 guys in. During that time alba came back and became the third admin; Tarzan following as fourth. With the cooperation between 3on3.et and 6on6.et both channels became rather huge within a short time. et.merc, 2on2.et and et-claness have been added later to the network and XonX-Network was born. At that time nearly 1.200 people have been idling in #6on6.et being the third biggest channel within the whole quakenet. Followed by #3on3.et with about 1.000 idlers ranked 6th or so. We wanted to use our massive user base for creating a league system what unfortunately never really worked out because of missing time and motivation. The network became quite inactive, although the channels are still used though.

When I went to the army and haven't been around that often, shiNe decided to reduce the number of administrating people on #6on6.et as there were quite a lot guys opped; Wesbo, Kenny, V3rtigo for instance. That cutback also affected me, as shiNe (or exz) took my op status away. However, I'm not feeling cool for being opped in a channel of an online chat network and I'm therefore not as eager as another person to snap all the power up. I never made a big deal out of that because I just didn't care.

Now when I see what's going on with the channel and especially the admins, I'm rather disappointed to see where all that lead to. Building up a new channel for ET is - in my opinion - not possible. For Wolfenstein I will try it with #wolf.wars (with #cod4.wars / #cod5.wars as example). But for now I've no idea what to do.
et-top isn't and was never good
#et-top / #skilled-et
lol et-top Q ao's used to be even more retarded than this when it came to banning people, they didn't even hide under the pretence of "LOL CHEATERS" they just openly said they didn't like the person and banned them
off the top of my head, Outlaw, Holz, Squall

<x> i think ettop guys
<x> are bored + sad
<x> noone to ban anymore
<x> and maybe just few teams staying there :(
<x> they need new victims!

I can't even remember exactly who did have op but I just remember the drama created by those ops.

The only way people will use #et-top is if there are no ops (well, that's the consensus of the people I'm discussing this with anyway)
cant really remember what you are exatcly trying to point out but generally i think it was a good channel when it was still active, never had to use other channels
well today alone I've spoken to four EC finalists who were all banned from there, a truly highskilled and unbiased channel I must say

just because you are friends with the ops doesn't make the problem all right, I'm not going to try and defend shiNe because that would be stupid
True, ET-Top was just for people that wanted to enlarge there e-peen tbh ;/
enlarge with what? and its not like every member of the clan needs to be there, it was a matchsearching channel after all
there are still people in that channel? last time i checked there where about 8 idlers
I'm one of shine victims :D Maybe not directly, but I share my bnc with my m8 with whom I played 6v6 vs some team where shine was and... ya, you guess, he got banned = I got banned (same ip). I just won't even comment on an idea that he could have taught that anybody in our team cheated - we were like crossfirerish med+max which prolly mean good old med on a good day :D

I do not have ban now though (as long as the blacklisted m8 isn't joining the channel) but I'm not idling it if I don't have to - and I obviously don't have to as there are always 4 more ppl which are not (YET) banned ^^

So I would be totally using a new channel if that would be created. For as long as I won't heard about nonsense bans not followed by deop of the person who made such a wrong decision.

And by the way, it's sad that the poll is created after year or so of shine's immature behaviour. It's just that many journals which I have seen about that before were commented like "stfu cheater new talent" and - well, that's something bad about our community - we are treating all unknown to us nicks like a low+max OR a cheater. As shine was banning only unkown to him nicks, he was pretty confident that no actions will be taken. After a year of such a thing it has to end like that (I guess that sean was just known enough :D) but still our community ignores semiknown ppl - really unkind thing :>
HELL NO! the XonX network channels always did a great job, and their admins are really mature (atleast when I was still playing). Atleast they weren't just a group of fags looking for idlers or didn't give the impression they were.
I guess you missed the point - it DID a great job :D it sucks now though. If you'll read bo/tarzan's comments you'll see how and why that happened - sad story, but the truth is, 6on6 sucks now (from administrative point of view).
if i didn't know it better i would say you are sarcastic!
Why should this be sarcastic?
well, most people probably wouldn't call the admins mature and say that they (or at least some of them) are doing a great job!
The only problem I see is who to make admin. There are some people here talking about being admin that I really do not want to have as admins.

Channel name will obviously sound retarded because all the good ones are taken, but who cares :)

6v6.et > 6o6.et
how did you get Warning Level: 70 / 100 ???
picture war :-[
WTF you got only 70?
you started the topic, you deserve it!
you're full of shit
ehm... what?
I made a small list of bans by shine:


amazing guy

this tarzan

but peter pan > *

only 2 of them are cb banned :D
If he banned somebody from the team where I was playing, that must simply mean he banned anyone who wins with him :D
Heh, I used to be on it too, but Starzi unbanned me and he lost his op's because of that :|
9 of the bans are BIGBEATS members :D
in my dreamworld i would like to have a channel that all the players that have cb bans are banned from the channel but this isnt possible @ qnet
yes.. please!! Stop this kiddy action from shine and co

PS: NEW 6on6 et channel is #et.6on6
Yes a new channel should be created.

I'm for a channel ran only by Killerboy who will ban all the kenta's etc though, not something like this #et.6on6
but then i can't find latenight wars any more :(
cant see why you'd want to play vs those guys when they have at least 3 current hackers :[, ofc its more of a challenge than the low ppl looking for games but you could just go to bed x>
done, only 2/3 Ops.

rest = sponsors / ppl who help 6on6 or ET (Cup Hosters, Sponsors ect)
3 op's ok: you, Q and some bot who manages the bans

noone voice imo, that 'known skilled' players have voice in 6on6.et makes no sense imo

what do you mean by 'rest' ?
rest = ppl with +v (sponsors + cup hosters + cheatbusters ect)
i got it now ye ;p
i see Slovenia (ex-?)-cheaters having voice though 8D
and is jago sponsoring something then or what? :o)
that sl guy made over 21 cups, gave me links and stuff :p
gonna remove now since we got #zero.e to sponsor us with a site, bnc, and vent + server!
oki but now he will blame me for removing his voice ;(
was just wondering if he sponsored smth !!
he was gonna give us a site sponsor, but zero.e were 1st and sponsored everything!
can't see why those would need voicing though, eventhough it doesn't give them any special rights I feel simply adding their link/name whatever in the welcome message and/or topic should be sufficient. and the 3 ops are you, Q and a bot banning the etbot list? or is this varit guy or whoever was the first to join the channel opped too? if so it will just end up like another shine crap
Just create a new channel imo, let this channel die, because an admin who bans people for personal reasons (i've been banned too, thx tho starzi <3) is just not done, that guy isn't even really into the community, he thought I was that italian coder, and thats why he banned me, ye right :s

image: 340720_3628348_huge
you just need to talk to sHinE, cuz he will unban you if he calmed down ;D
would be easier for both then if he just stops banning them in first place ;p
maybe thier opponent are polaks or unhit and saying shit words and are happy after all frag :S we dont know!
What's the point? Even if et.6on6 becomes big .. the admins there will start abusing and it will be same shit .. #6on6.et is fine
I've never liked the admins on #on#.et's so ofc
Only if there are admins there which I trust and handle their powers correctly:
gsbot ftw
who are the admins now?
[17:56] #6on6.et unable to join channel (address is banned)

It took him 2 days though!
you got showed the fucking door mate.
alright chap!
fucking retarded admins, got banned again, 23:23:06 • you were kicked from #6on6.et by Q [Banned.]
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