The NC Ping Debate!

Should CB NC be played on equal pinging servers for both sides?

Inspired by Giftys Post poll on behalf of Overdive
70.0 %
(787 votes)
18.8 %
(211 votes)
11.2 %
(126 votes)
no comments? hai

edit: oh my comment is that YES, ET is about competition and there have always been major disputes about server and ping (especially when it comes to NC's or Worldcups), my 2 cents is that 1server per map of each opponents choice, I know this doesnt exactly work for ettv but it keeps things undisputable.
nevermind. i guess :(
You force a team to play on a dust field just because one team has never played on anything else.
Parent about deciders?
unfortunately this would end with 350 vs 50 etc. which no one wants. the only viable option is to find a server with the most even up to 200.
Yes, ET is about competition and fun:
Yes, ET is about competition and fun

same conditions for everyone!!
Same conditions for everyone = LAN with same PCs, same mouses, same mouse pads,...
Won't happen :P Because life isn't fair ;)
sure it happens, just pay the trip/hosting for every player!
since when is it same mice and pads?
Why is it that, no matter how much you pee into the toilet it never fills up?
And justice for all
Yes, ET is about competition and fun, I think its more fair to play with equal pings
Just play on some iraqui server where the ping for both teams suck instead of jumping from one server to another...problem solved..
voted no. Non European countries are used to play with 150+ ping and we simply aren't. It sucks to play with such a shitty ping. The fact that Clanbase is European doesn't _really_ matter, but if there would be a cup organised in Chile, we would also have to play on Latin American, or at least American servers.
I disagree, people should be excited to play matches against countries all over the world. Besides that, it's not so hard to agree on a reasonable server for both teams. Australia for example would've been okay with an east-coast US server and those are perfectly playable for us (especially us Dutchies).
The whole server whine is just another excuse to cover up failure. If people really need it that bad to play on a server with low ping, then they should also whine within Europe and protest against Polish, Spanish and other eastern European servers where their ping is also high.
Who said that noone is whining ? Usualy there are some polish players with "lags" on some servers so you need to switch,so they have so called low pings and ofcourse noone cares if you ping 90 after you switched server (before was 50)
There's tons of whine of course (also with good/even ping), but no fundamental protest. At least it's not a reason to forfeit matches.
Totally agree :)
Do you ever see someone used to high ping whine when they get to play low ping for once?
No. So GTFO with your "they're used to it", if they beat you on equal ping they're simply better than you.
Where do I send the Nobel prize?
Will it increase my e-penis?
Error 404: Not Found!
cmon thats bs :)

if israel teams played every team at 150 ping vs. 150 ping they would be EC winners every time. not because its "fair" but because eu teams arent used to play with 150 ping like israel teams are.
Either you have too much faith in the israeli teams, or they should actually win EC.
Giving different teams disadvantages merely because they come from specific countries sound VERY dodgy to me, no matter how you twist and turn it. And besides, what would happen if they had 50 ping? You think they'd play equally good, or better?
usually il people have ~98 ping, which is an very good ping, nothing different than 48 :P
i think slovenia needs to have a second rematch, and having an new CB rule, which makes NC not aneuropean competition
else disqualify slovenia (nothing agaist them, but australia and .jp are great, but playing 200-300 ping vs 50 ping just aint fair)
and screw people who are saying "we are used to 150 ping" it's not true, we either play on 50 ping on our home servers, or some have good pings to play on eu
now that is just funny... if you believe that then god help you. go watch Australia vs Europe... now apparently Australia is used to playing with high ping (which is totally incorrect mind you), yet Europe still won this game 4-0 because they were the better team. if you think random Israel teams would win ec if everyone played with 150 ping, you are clearly mistaken.
agreed. israel has been playing with high pings on eu servers since et started.

my opinion: get used to playing with high pings or dont join NC. if this was world cup it would be a different story.
actually fucking great. agreed 100%! should be made NC and WC both :)))))))))
you cant compare il because we have 49% lower ping than australia
Yes, ET is about competition and fun, that's why i voted no coz it isn't fun to play 150 ping minimum. For smgs it isn't the worst but i feel sorry for rifles playing 250 ping and actually 250 ping nading is fun too.
But my suggestion would be that make European Nations Cup also, then there wouldn't be whining about playing on US server. atm there's like 2 big cups OC/EC and NC just make it 3 and do EuroNC and we have 1 more big cup that makes ET more alive (that part is for the guys telling fo don't kill ET with kicking these high ping countries)
Yes creating a whole new cup like euroNC which is basically the same as WC/NC without maybe 1 or 2 countries. Just keep it as NC. And how would u do the shedule? Now the shedule is perfect with 2 NC and 2 EC in a year.
why do you talk about rifles with 250 and everyone else with 150? i agree anything over 200 is bad, but most European players would get maximum (stable) 200 on a central USA server and even less on an East coast
The question is who wants to play with 200 ping? Like decem said above

Quotecompetive = equal ping

fun = low ping

not fun = high ping

I would rather play competitive and fun than competitive and not fun
obviously the % that said yes in the poll derrrr

but it's not a matter of want, it's a question of will... no one in their right mind would WANT to play with 200 ping...
Just tested playing on australian server with ping 380, wasn't rly playable :D
as i've said in other threads anything over 200 is getting towards unplayable. above 250 is pointless. however, we're only asking that you play with 150-180!
Hopefully I won't have to play with ping over 100 in NC :(
you won't with the rules the way they are, but your reputation might suffer ;)
Why would you expect Australia to play with that ping? :(
But you're only looking at this from your pov.. Australia _always_ has to play with high pings, so wouldn't it be more fun if the pings were equally high?
bull you're a naive fuckwit

YEAH COS IT'S JUST SO LOGICAL THAT we play with 150+ping all the time. in australia we don't have any local servers or local ladders. nah we all play in the american league whatever it is now.

Ofc, same conditions for everyone.
we should boycot the ones that voted No
lets play every game on us server
Everyone votes yes until they are in a NC team which has to play on a 150 ping us server! Fuck you!

I voted yes because I think in the intrest of fair play you should play on a server which evens the pings out. Care for the CB rules people are hiding behind these CB rules because they are scared they will loose without them.
I'd agree with an equal server only if my ping doesn't go above 150. Last time we played Australia, i had 220-250, it was just not fun to play...
agree and that's all we would expect. theoretically most Europe would get around 150 (max ~180) to a central USA server. i think you must have played us on a western server last time.
to hard to play one game on 150 ping for ncstars? uhh.
voted no by mistake, I've played on South American servers with 150 ping, it isnt that bad, if teams find fair servers I guess everyone can ping below 200.
everyone who voted yes are stupid :x
cry babys
150 is very very very playable as long as its stable. 200... thats were things start getting hard for aimers. Anything to 150 is 100% playable

voted yes, then again.. ive been playing with a shit ping myself for years....
you're are used to playing with high ping and most eu teams are not. doesnt that make an all high ping server to your advantage?
u look at it that way, i look at it differently...

it could either be 48 vs 300+ or 150(max) vs 200+
it takes like... a 10 minutes warmup to get used to a 150 ping, not more. So instead of showing up late or anything 1 can use the 10 minutes between the arranged match time, to the latest match start, so 10 minutes, which always ends up being alot more anyways.

for an eu person, anything above 150 shouldnt be accepted. but 150 is playable with a 10 minute warmup, thats how long it takes to get used to. Like that EU teams still have the advantadge over the non-EU teams, and that 50ms or so difference, is brilliant as that evens out the fact that the touchy EU ppl aren't 'used' to such a ping.

This is the closest 1 can get to an equal international match, which is the fairest way. At the end of the day, the better team will generally win no matter the ping, as long as there isnt a standout ping.

At the end of the day, 200+ ping sucks anyways, so used to it or not, its horrible, so the mentality of high pingers having an advantage is pure bs.
+1, people just use it as an excuse. There are lots of them who don't really know how to aim and just use their settings as a crutch to hit and/or be unhittable. That's why they suck on different servers or on LAN
It's all a matter of accustomity.
read my reply to superboy
Read it, only line I could agree with is "u look at it that way, i look at it differently..."
opinions differ, well just have to agree to disagree
yeah i play with 150 ping... and its playable

totally agree with you
no reason both teams should suffer
In my opinion both teams should play with the same ping. The only thing that happens (or atleast the only thing I noticed) is that you see the other players later. This means if you have a 600 ping (-> 600 ms latency -> 0.6 seconds) like team brazil, you see the enemy 0.6 seconds later. The other players, which play with 50 ping only have a latency of 0.05 seconds, so they have 0.55 extra-seconds to react and shoot, before the enemy notices them.
If both teams have the same ping, this issue is equalized.
yes, as long as ping is stable
I think they should play 2 legs so its like football home and away. Home nation picks their server to play on and away have to deal with it. Then after 2 legs and its tie in score, throw a coin for what server to play on. Long but fair
You as a soccer fantast should know that the rule doesn't apply all the time, if FE one team don't have a standarized field, they are forced to play on the closest standarized field or on the other teams home.
Yeh I get what your saying, if that's the case I'd say 200 ping is limit, so if it exceeds that, find another server to play on thats comfortable for both temas
IMHO they should play on either a UK server or a west asian server, that should make the pingtot as low as possible.
Last I checked, cup name was "Nations Cup" not the "Euro Cup". Teams that refused to play should of been DQ'd
I also can't see 'World' word there. And idea was that the cup could be played by European nations. In my opinion you guys should leave CB NC alone and create a new tournament like ET World Cup, the first rule of which, would be that teams play with fair pings.

Edit: And it couldn't be named 'Euro Cup' because the name was already taken...
Pretty lame to be so scared to lose. Eventhough this Nationscup is organized by a European league, it's great to have teams from all over the world. Especially Australia played excellent matches in prior nationscups. It's horrible that a shitty low country like Romania, who hardly have the right to signup for NC, prevented Australia's participation.
No offence to anyone but the LU of Australia this edition ain't special at all.
still better than lots of European b-countries
I'm not gonna comment on that.
why do you guys keep referring to 'fearing of losing'? maybe its about wanting to play in comfortable environment or whatever else?
I also dont see the words "Some Nations Cup"

Dont say "you guys" cause we have dick to do with it. CB sets it up under the pretense that all nations are welcome & you can't fault any nation for entering.

Quote And it couldn't be named 'Euro Cup' because the name was already taken...

Which is also run by CB which simple reasoning says that

EuroCup = European
NationsCup = All Nations
it says in the rules that is an eu only cup (and its been like that for as long as i remember). other teams got in because admins made an exception.
Seems to me they left the rule there so EU teams could fall back on it. (fail)
well if they would stick to the rule you wouldnt even be in this cup, and we wouldnt have this discussion
Seems we have rule amended or I missed it before

QuoteExceptions may be given by the Chiefs of Cups.
Only European teams who play in a European country, Russia or Israel may participate. Exceptions may be given by the Chiefs of Cups.

like i said: non eu teams are because of an exception
which is included in the rules so really you have no point
my point is that teams who got in a euro nations cup shouldnt be bothered by the fact that they have to play eu servers. if they are bothered by that fact sign up for the world cup.
Where is the rule that states: EU teams have advantage over non-EU in choosing the server? Nowhere.
QuoteOnly European teams who play in a European country, Russia or Israel may participate. Exceptions may be given by the Chiefs of Cups.

this means: IF Chile REALLY want to play in NC, Chiefs MAY do the exception TO ALLOW Chile in the tournament, but that doesnt mean Chile have the SAME rights, but their rights are EXCEPTIONAL.
A fact that they even play in this competition is exceptional already in its essence.
Allowing Chile to play in a competition is itself already an exception to the rules.
Chile are in NC on special rights.
It's not an exception _TO_THE_RULES, since _THE_RULE_ lets superviser to allow teams that aren't in the list . If superviser allows a team, it is a full and equal member, and _NO_RULE_ states otherwise.
it is blanket reference (i dont know how this can be called in english, got it in polish law :S)
my statement is 100% logically correct, try to prove it wrong.
He can't because he tried to argue about something totally different that's not even logically correct.
Like you have any idea what is going on :-)
In my opinion, if the rule sends the reader to the institution (admins) that will decide, that means that the rule doesnt decide upon an issue, but it's the institution that decides. Thus, rule didnt allow them to play.
QuoteWhich is also run by CB which simple reasoning says that

EuroCup = European
NationsCup = All Nations

Reasoning would take into consideration the fact that CB is European league.
Therefore 'NationsCup' term gets specific meaning.
At the moment it lookes like Chile wants to play in Euro 2012, but they whine that they need to travel half the world to get to Ukraine, so it would be fair if Euro 2012 was played in United States. :-)

you can't compare RL sports with e-sports ;) but funny still
madscientist owned with 300 ping, so why so much drama?
just practise a little bit before the game with a 150 ping
btw why Jakazc deleted his comment?
which comment?
4sure it should be equal, since most of ppl doesnt care for that euro cb rules about ping, and u should try to respect a bit opponent team and get equal server for both squads.
You may argue for both sides, but in the end it's about being a good sportsman. You may refuse to play on a certain server and have the rules on your side, but it doesn't make you less of a selfish retard.

Swallow your pride and play for fun. South American people are quite cool tbh.
On a stick! :)
a non eu team gets into a eu only cup by an exception and they want the teams to play outside eu with high pings doesnt sound selfish at all

its not about people its about pings. if this was on a lan i dont care who the opponent is.
Is NC a Euro Only-cup?
as far as the rules go: yes
Uh? URL please.

Only European teams who play in a European country, Russia or Israel may participate. Exceptions may be given by the Chiefs of Cups.
And the rules prove you wrong...
prove what wrong?
its not hard to play with stable ping up to 200, but problem is if u have to play with unstable ping. Its always easier to play with 150 stable ping then play with/against some fluctuating ping (thats why are polish so "not loved" , they ussualy dont have high ping, but unstable)
Voted Yes for the sake of fairplay and good CB rules, which suck hard atm. We used the rule flaw because some of the players were tired always to play in US every time we entered a nations competition. The others didn't left because we have to stay united as a team. Some message:
- mundus I have no clue why didn't you let us play with Slovenia and Australia with Chile... I really don't; you could have avoided all this mess;
There were rule that ( in EC/OC at least) server has to be in Europe, or exceptions can be made and server can be in Israel or Russia. So according to that NC is for europeans only, however if that rule doesn't exist aynmore then play on other server if European team accepts it. Simple as that.

add that thing where we can see who voted for No and Yes.
competition and fun?

competive = equal ping

fun = low ping

not fun = high ping

conclusion: equal ping with eu and non eu teams = not fun
ur right, someone should remove the fun part from the first option.
Quote150 is very very very playable as long as its stable. 200... thats were things start getting hard for aimers. Anything to 150 is 100% playable

voted yes, then again.. ive been playing with a shit ping myself for years....

If it was COD4 i woudn't want to play with 150 ping though, but ET, yes.
But for weapons which are not "unlagged" it will be a hard time, though it´s playable.
QuoteShould CB NC be played on equal pinging servers for both sides?

Obviously, yes. Teams which are not European should not even be allowed to play, though. Playing with high ping is NOT fun.
Why do you first say "obviously yes" and agree with the statement that they should play on servers with equal ping, while in the 2nd sentence u say playing with high pings is NOT fun and so u disagree with the statement?
How exactly do I disagree with the first statement by saying that playing with high pings isn't fun? Let me rephrase that for you, pings should be equal for both sides whenever possible. However, playing the game with ridiculously high pings is not worth it.
That's a fairly loaded question, isn't it? If 'ET is about competition', as you put it, then surely we should seek to make it as competitive as possible - a prerequisite of which is to reduce as many random elements from the gameplay as possible, such as unnecessarily high ping.

The reality is that we're living in 2009, not 2059 - right now global infrastructure isn't at a level where we can have inter-continental online competitions with low ping. We should realise that and focus on a competitive European cup instead of the special olympics 'it's the taking part that counts' mentality that we seem to be shifting towards.
grrrr in 2059 the velocity of light will be faster ?

theoretically light needs 50ms on 15000km (eg: eu - australia)
50 ms yep. and if the repeaters get fast enough pings wont be much higher than the time needed for the data to fly from one pat of the world to another
1. Even in super-conductive state the speeds are far from the speed of the light.
2. Even if networks are build 100% using optical cables, it's never going to be 15000km in distance, at least 2 times longer.
light speed isnt constant !
Yes, warp speed! :D
I voted fun but my opinion a little bit different.

For example if a football team play against a poor football team that has no left football boot then you cant force the richer team play without the left boot, right? :D Only if they want "for fun".
Wank in a thunder storm, it will make you feel like Thor.
no, that was also funny :D
if it's named Nation cup it's intended to be for all the nations, and i dont see why should people outside europe play with impossible pings. Same ping for everyone and gl
Yes, yes, and again, yes.
If you don't want a fair competition go outside and beat up a 5 year old kid.

For those saying that it is supposed to be an European Cup and the other teams are an exception, so they don't have equal rights blabla...
There are some European teams out there which rather have a fair match and have thus decided to play on equal ping servers. This means the fair European teams are at a disadvantage over those that decide to be nazi about the pings, therefore you are also causing unequal conditions among European teams.

So either force equal pings or disallow non-European teams.
Yes, ET is about competition and fun

forgot to put FAIRNESS in the poll!!

learn to play according to the fairness of the game and not to winwinwin only blehh
then you dont get the meaning of competition, as competition is exactly winning by all means, especially if your means are correct to the rules. while what you wanted to express by competition should be labeled as fairness :-)
NO, just to compete on the same level of fairness as your opponent, leaving part skill ofc, thats what makes some1 better than the other 1!

thats why cheating is considered to be bad for fair competition!! that why they dont let any1 play with that stuff..
shit server = lose
Yes of course.
its about fareness
so yes aproximatly the same ping gives aproximaly the same conditions for both teams
Yes, ET is about competition and fun

shouldn't this be obvious for everybody?

if someone only wants to play on european servers and vs european people, then he should just forget about NC as it's a worldwide cup and play other tournaments only inside Europe.

fair play m8s
go connect on match servers and spam funny stuff!
I haven't done that for years :)
below 100 = np
100-150 = np, feels different
150-200 = playable if stable, pain in the ass for rifle
above 200 = unacceptable if not used to

should both teams ping lower than 200 and have ping difference at max 100 i see absolutely no problem!
Yes, but only if non-euros ping 250+ on the euro server and euros dont ping 150+ on the non-euro one.
No, CB is a European League:
samefame? replysin silti sulle wtf :D
I voted no!
wow.. i thought more ppl would have voted no bcuz its mostly eu teams, but then again its NATIONS cup so i guess the results make sense :O

voted no.
everybody was playing just fine until now even with 350 vs 50 so pls, wtf happened? :]
Pings should be equal imo, but in ClanBase's opinion it's an EU league and should not, I'm kinda 50/50 on that. Whne teams apply, they're agreeing to CB's Ts&Cs.

Voted for equal pings though.
i agree with everything seanza said

but i'd like to add something, even if it isnt closely related to the topic

"Europe is the westernmost peninsula of the continent of Eurasia; its limits are well defined by sea to the North, South and West. The Ural mountains are usually taken as the eastern limit of Europe, along with the Ural River, and the Caspian Sea. Europe can be considered bounded to the southeast by the Caucasus Mountains, the Black Sea and the waterways connecting the Black Sea to the Mediterranean"
lets now take a look at some maps
check the legend to see what is what
map with all the european states

what cb and other leagues should do when naming cups (such as EC) is either name cup otherwise or make sure countries allowed to participate in the event are inside regional boundaries given by the cups name
Is CB under some laws? They call it as they want. Who cares? Especially that they restricted in rules, what they meant by 'European'.

And also, European means different things from geographical point of view and e.g. politological point of view.
Do you know that from historical point of view, XIX century started in 1815 and XX in 1918?
there's a reason why i linked two maps, green on first map shows europe from geographical point of view, and on the 2nd map you see all the countries that are considered part of europe, even if majority of their territory is not in europe. my point is that they should define the boundaries better. try to think logically for a sec here, should USA play EuropCup or AmeriCup or something? same goes for Argentina, Israel or Australia, they're not part of Europe even if you look at Europe from "politological" point of view (which is btw pov i'm for)

i'm not saying, cb or any other league _MUST_ name cup properly, i'm only saying they should. reason for it is simple - it makes no sense to do otherwise.
I know you didnt mean MUST, but SHOULD. And thats why I wrote "Especially that they restricted in rules, what they meant by European". In my opinion, they restricted it precisely enough. Thus, no need for being precise in naming a cup.
Which country there is problem with, in your opinion?
- Azerbaijan or smth like that? - It is not allowed because they dont have enough players living there I guess.
- Uzbekistan? No problem - they cant play since Uzbekistan is out of Europe, both politologically and politically.

By the way, you are right that geographical map shouldnt be taken into consideration. Reason is simple: we are talking about countries/states, and geographical division doesnt tolerate borders of countries.

Also, you shouldnt mistake politological pov for formal (international law's perspective), etc. Council of Europe's pov is political/formal, not politological. :-) Hope you see the difference.

Simple if you are going to whine and cry about pings don't let non euro teams join.
YES OFC !!!!!! its ultra hipper mega playable with 150 ping
im not whining :S just saying the true WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

No, fuck you
where'd the idea that australia only play on high ping come from? the only times i have ever played high ping is in these clanbase / crossfire international comps, and the same goes for the rest of the australian team.
Well don't come to clanbase / crossfire cups if you don't like it!
who said anything about not liking it?
The whine on both sides about the ping = not liking!
afaik the aus team don't care what the ping is, as long as both teams share it
Dunno about that but still playing with high ping ruins the fun IMO
isn't the fact that you're playing people on the other side of the world who to some degree have different tactics/playstyle to your own fun enough? even though ping difference hinders ones ability to play at 100% it is still entertaining, it's arguable that the novelty has worn off since australian/jp teams first started playing but some people still enjoy seeing us play
Well I could say your tacs and stuff are almost same us every european team now days.

And its really nice to see some talents from australia and japan thats true, wish we could have same ping.

I don't like playing with ping over 100. Everyone can kill me on public server when Im having ping 150 :(
some people...

i would love to play against you on a LAN or sth... over the net is just pointless and a waste of time... sry
'some people' being the majority, according to the poll
how many people from the so called 'majority' are playing for their NC team? :)
who knows? if you care enough to find out let me know :)
I don't I'm just trying to make a point...
no sorry its playable up to 200-250, it's just your ignorant negative mindset that's the problem.
Its quite playable, Japan and Korea player/teams proof this especially.
seems to be a common misconception amongst Europeans that we play every night with 200 pings. maybe they think we have dialup or something.
So you haven't got Dial-Up? :O

Are you serious?
as it is predominantly a Europe cup, i think it's important minimise the impact on European teams while still trying to find a playable server for outside nations

Australia are probably in the worst situation, as we are the furtherest away from europe, making it more difficult to find a server. knowing this however, we were prepared to play with higher than even ping to our opposition to minimise the impact on them. say 250 vs 150

Japan are in a slightly better position as they will ping 50ms less then us, making it easier to minimise the impact on the Europeans. they played Portugal on a server where it was 200 vs ~150-170, which is fair and playable at the same time.

i can't really comment on countries like chile/brazil, but i imagine central/east USA servers are pretty good for them, making it easier again.

imo the better team will win no matter what if pings are even up to 200 and those saying outside nations will win because they are somehow used to playing on that ping is completely misguided.
ofc equal pings
150 vs 200 will be ok?????
it still playable too imo but over 200 not
its playable , belive me :P
could be but its more hard than 200-
All I know is, after seeing this mess, some of these "good" players are so narrow minded it's pathetic.
who is so small-minded ?

give the et cradleland 'U.S.A' a chance :)
give the good Asian players a chance :)
and the South America ~~~~~
They have their own competitions, why should we play with 150 ping if we don't need to?

You forgot Africa, Alaska,... :)
Alaska, the forgotten country.
It's a state and I meant it more like 'AREA' wise but yeah whatever :!
Go Sarah Palin!
you fucking deserve to die

I voted NO!
equal ping is fine whatever, ive played with 400 a few times.
Yes, ET is about competition and fun:
QUAKECON qualifiers were also played only on american servers... the didnt give a fuck about where you were from....
D= that its the same than u do with the american team ( USA - CANADA) play 50 vs 150 its more fair than 250vs 100 cause over 200 its more hard ;)
ba romania & slovenia srsly fucktards
even pings is fine
the higher ping the better
it's going to be ridiculous playing on high ping servers for most euros but i'm glad clanbase is also making a move for the other countries in the world that are less fortunate playing at euro servers
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