Crossfire Most Improved Player
10 Dec 2009, 18:24
Crossfire Most Improved Player
- olBaa
- Worm
- Meez
- zerender
- JOkE
- drago
- Baggiez
- frEeze
The results for this poll are hidden
it wasn't posted when i wrote this words, though i wouldn't change anything i've said.
think about it... you know it's true
btw stupid award, most improved since when? since they started ET? most improved in 2009? how can you nominate someone for a Most improved award if they've been good all the time?
stupid award
although he is a retard
BOSSID: rAUL , Ati_, frEeze , al , Night , libffu, urti backups: rise , sCyter , reload, rNNR.
The alternatives are ridiculous, there's no way to vote for anyone but OLBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA so I refuse to vote. Sucks.
I voted for JoKE since I have no fucking idea who he is or what team he plays for.
ich weiß auch, dass ihr da in irgendeiner größeren Liga gespielt habt, meine mich aber zu erinnern dass ihr da kein spiel gewonnen habt in der gruppe
ich seh da keinen aus dem alten gmbh team, du?
wer sollst du auch überhaupt sein...
wer ich bin tut ja nichts zur sache -.-
der einzige deutsche, der bei uns noch nen testspiel hatte war sajez
wanna paly paly on sunday?
we ' ll have a entertaining offi ;)
reading this book atm
( it's in Russian )
I 'd say -regardless to yr position to the content - it's a must 2 read.
U obviously had higher settings than them since u pwned them so hard.
hummm ... they are all improved players but my vote goes for zerender
No,just no.
I'll go for Worm, from total newb to one of the better players in yoyotech.
Add suVi and gengis and you might have a poll that makes a bit of sense..
Xanah ffs
most improved
worm fo sho
no Sample imo !!
imo olBaa or meez from that list, cos great lan succes
voted for meez for an unknown reason