Do you want to see another ET Masters?

In the past, there has been a couple of high-profile tournaments within ET that went by the name of ET Masters. This was basically where teams compete for cash prizes where the eventual final would be held at LAN.

Here at Crossfire, we want to hear from you to see if you would like another edition? Cast your vote and leave a comment if you feel the desire to do so!
64.8 %
(633 votes)
10.0 %
(98 votes)
25.2 %
(246 votes)
Ofc i want to.
where's "I don't mind"
'doesn't effect me'
in that case don't vote?
i want to see the results/get rid of the annoying poll free options on my frontpage
oh.. my bad. I was somehow lead to believe that this didn't affect you
a lot of non-english speakers tend to believe 'i don't mind' has the same meaning as 'i don't care' which is not the case, i do care, but i wouldn't mind if there was an et masters.
what a question
why would u NOT want that? :-D
if you'd finish 2nd division this time
Might be more than just 2nd div too, 3rd? :D
last time et masters failed pretty hard.
This isn't going to be like last time.
-> shitfaces

jetro spiROZE slajdan Homer Baggiez Blindi Roach walle

ofc we want!
whats an ET masters?????
if biased shit admins dont have their own teams that they protect by kicking teams that win them. when is the online edition held eVo? voted no
So i guess you will understand if you are rejected from competing in the tournament.
Why would you put up a vote to gauge interest for a cup, then refuse to accept anyone that votes no to the concept?

The last ET Masters cup was poorly run imo. It left a lot of people with a sour taste in their mouths. If you want to run a successor then expect to recieve criticism based on the failings of the predecessor, otherwise change the name completely and disassociate yourselves.
I have no issue with ppl commenting on the previous tournament, whether it was ran well or poorly. There is a proper way of doing this though and frankly im bored of reading whine from this finnish guys in particular. They voted no and and complained it failed etc, so my point of them understanding the reason why they wont be playing is valid. They shouldnt have any complaints if they are flaming the previous tournament so hard.
QuoteI have no issue with ppl commenting on the previous tournament

It's pretty clear you do, or rather, the manner of the comments. But as a cup admin you really should be striving to get as many teams as possible to compete and refusing entry to people who voted no (for valid reasons) on a poll is no way to go about it.
There is a way of voicing your opinion. Outright flaming it and saying it was shit and you dont want no part of the new edition, means by right, you wont have a problem when your application gets rejected. We will be striving to get as many teams as possible, but its about time ppl started clamping down on all this negative criticism, whether it be TLR logos in a map, or another tournament that has a good prize purse especially for a predominantly online competition. Plus, we are focussing mainly on the interested Lan teams, as it removes the hassle of online vs offline teams.
Quotebut its about time ppl started clamping down on all this negative criticism

Clamping down on criticism?
You know what i mean... stop making these stupid replies trying to make me look bad. It isnt criticism, its un-needed flame. Just like the TLR logos issue, where TLR are offering money for these competitions and ppl are making comments that are in no way beneficial to ET or the tournament(s) itself.
I really don't need to try and make you look bad.

This is a poll. You've given people a choice: yes or no. You're asking for peoples opinions, tet any comment that isn't "wowah great more competition more LANs eSports" you don't like.
Do you see me commenting on ppl who said, last tournament was ran badly? There is a difference.
if you make a good point baggiez will just do [ q ] [ /q ] on anything he can find. spelling error or whatever it may be.
people have a right to flame et masters for what has happened in the past though, some stupid stuff. :)
QuoteOutright flaming it and saying it was shit

Quotebut its about time ppl started clamping down on all this negative criticism

Really so pathetic that you cant handle negative opinions about your competition, which really was poorly executed
it wasnt my competition. I had no involvement with it.
Then dont make a stand when they trash the last edition ?

Edit. And I even were an admin there and eVo kind of fucked couple of things up and the admin staff were mostly poorly informed.
So ppl who dont wanna see ANOTHER ET MASTERS will be rejected? thats cool

No not at all, at least be beneficial in ur critcism. The way ur voicing ur opinion states that u wouldnt play anyway
yeah, i wouldnt play another ET MASTERS
no way in hell i'd even signup anymore
like last time? epic fail after group stage
eVo was kinda over the top the first time, kicking out teams who took a merc when both teams agreed etc. forfeiting matches for using landmines and stuff :d

this was #2 i think and 180 script is understandable, just stick with CB or ESL configs and don't disallow random shit that is known to work.
The last edition isn't finished yet, the online finals are nowhere to be seen.
another edition of evo's failing series?

no thx
So i guess you will understand if you are rejected from competing in the tournament.
you ban me cuz evo is an idiot?

makes sense and i totally understand that
No, im just sick of retarded negative comments from in particular u and ur associated finnish friends. Time ppl started cracking down on this crap cos it isnt helping ET progress forward at all. So, with the tournament likely to be ran by TLR, there would be no issues like the ones you are talking about. As you voted no and said no thanks, when signups come around i hope u understand why ur team isnt chosen to play.
yeah im negative cuz this "ET MASTERS" fucked up my team twice

just hearing the cup name makes me rage and I see no reason why you should come up with that (even in this poll) even if it would be totally different from that

seems like you're just like evo, good cup coming up, gl with it
You are constantly whining about Lans, formats and now cups. Its becoming rather tedious and i dont know why you are comparing me to eVo. Anyway, its likely to be for lan teams anyway, so another reason why you wouldnt be participating.
Wonder why
cuz you're retarded and ignorant as he is, it amazes me how u cant deal of ur own god damn business without trying to be "uber cool esports person"

this is a fucking POLL and i can comment whatever option i like and if you cant deal with my "no" then its ur problem, ban me or whatever if its righteous for u, i dont care
And why are you whining so much about Masculine and go and ppl being too negative on previous ET masters.

You are both extremists. It's like Hitler is saying, Stalin, you bad boy, stop mass murdering.
This potential tournament has nothing to do with eVo.
and you potentially want to use the same name as the worst league serie in ET ever?

good way to get attention atleast
It won't necessarily be called that if it's to happen. The term "ET Masters" was used to make people aware it's an online tournament with a decent prizefund. I genuinely don't see why you're caring so much since the tournament will have an offline final.
Quotedecent prizefund



Quoteit's an online tournament with a decent prizefund

Quotetournament will have an offline final

Make up ur mind alredy
Not sure you actually understand what a scam is, so I'll explain it to you:

A scam is where I take something off you with the promise that I'll give you something in return, but I don't actually give you anything.

So now we've cleared that up Marko, where do you see me taking anything away from somebody in return for a prize?
another "lan" comment, where do u come up with these?
i agree with you
Like previous ET masters they was played at crossfire challenge so It wouldn't be Another lan I geussing
Worth of using a scam cup name on this then

Nobody's taking anything from anybody, how can it possibly be a scam? Lol.
It can be scam the same way as our mousepads what we won from ur friend cup.
Promising a prize for spending time if requirements are met (team finishes in top3) -> not giving prize when all requirements for winning the prize were fulfilled (team is in top3) with no rules broken <- scam
Could u please enlighten me what happened. All I see is a lot of whine, which might be correct. I can't remember it anymore as we didn't pass the qualifiers (lost from Gzcon) and otherwise we would've lost from masculine mans anyways.
Masculine Mans eliminated Impact and secured at least 3rd place with high possibility of winning.

Top 3 teams are paid €moneys.

At this point eVo (manager of Impact, who just got eliminated) decides that because MM can not attend LANs, they will play the remaining matches on the next LAN and CANCEL the last match where his team lost and kick MM from the online tournament so that Impact gets another chance

When the teams signed up, there was no word of it being anything but an online event.
Aah yeah, now I remember again. There was a lot of e-drama about it if I remember correctly. Its kinda weird to make a online tournament and hanging it all of sudden to LAN finals/semi-finals.

So in the end, you guys didn't got anything....amiright?
Yeah, eVo promised compensation (which should be obvious as MM had already secured 100€ or something) but turned out to not be a man of his word after all :(
Me personally never had any problems with eVo at all. Its just sad that the guy who's trying to host a tournament right now named Seanza is getting punished for eVo's fault.

I mean; eVo is the one who hosted ET-masters back in those days, and he's the one who has been unfair to some teams. Seanza is doing a lot of effort for the Enemy Territory community with hosting eSports challenge.

One again Seanza isn't eVo. You can't compara them to each other. Maybe this time the tournament will run great because of other organizers.
ok for starters the tournament was announced as having LAN finals... any other tournament out there would just kick out people who cant actually attend the LAN finals without a second hesitation and replace them with teams who can. I offered to try to host an offline finish after the LAN unfortunately all the teams who would compete in it went inactive.

Now to clarify Mind was banned from competing in the LAN at all due to his behaviour, when i started transferring money to one of the players from MM they gave me mind's paypal address to send it to and then came back and said now i want my money, i told them i already sent it and he said no that was Mind's paypal address... bottom line they took the piss so got told to fuck off.
Well, thats a whole other story than writed above. So if I'm right, miNd got the money and the rest didn't get anything from that?
he got 1/6th of the money, i.e. the first person i was transferring to, after it became apparent what had happened i refused to deal with them anymore.
Quoteafter it became apparent what had happened i refused to deal with them anymore

What happened?

Please dont try to say that u didnt pay the rest cause 1/6 ( chmpp's ) money was moved into my paypal cause chmpp didnt have one and i happened to have.

No offence but ur just full of shit and u shouldnt admin anything that involves money online.
no offence?? lol
Answer my guestion please

Sent to: Marko Tukiainen
Amount sent: -&#8364;12.50 EUR
Fee amount: &#8364;0.00 EUR
Net amount: -&#8364;12.50 EUR (equals -£11.69 GBP)

Conversion from: -£11.69 GBP
Conversion to: &#8364;12.50 EUR
Exchange rate: 1 British Pound = 1.06928 Euros

Date: 19 Oct 2009
Time: 18:58:00 BST
Status: Unclaimed

Really wasn't so hard was it ......

can you send rest of our money to that account too (50e left?) ?

Not without the rest of the team telling me thats what you want me to do with it

okay send 12.5e to rest will contact later

Well who was it i just sent 12.5 euros too then?

that was miNd

Why would i have sent money to mind he never played or was allowed to play in the tournament

miNd will give that money to chmpp or something i dont know what they have arranged

I'm not transferring any funds until i know where the money is going exactly, you all know if i had known that money was going to mind there wouldn't be a chance in hell that i would send a thing to him

That was one private message chain, i was pretty pissed at this point that i had been told to send the money to you whilst being given the impression it was for ensam, i then at that point refused to send any money anywhere until the players from the team actually contacted me and not just 1 person who already tricked me into sending it to your account!!

This was the next about 10 days later

So when can i expect to receive my 12 euros?

I'll repeat what i said last time:

I'm not transferring any funds until i know where the money is going exactly, you all know if i had known that money was going to mind there wouldn't be a chance in hell that i would send a thing to him

and i already told you where the money is going, eventhough its not really your concern how we split the money won.

You're a cheeky twat, your lucky i paid anything, it was always an event with lan finals which you never had any intention of going too, the fact that i am paying you anything is more than you deserve so yes its every concern where the money goes otherwise one day someone else in your team says i never got my money because mind got it instead. You've not once said thank you when i transferred the money so why should i even give a shit

what has lan to do with this? you shouldnt have accepted our signup if you didnt want us to play.

we won 75 euros = we receive 75 euros. the way we split it still hasnt got anything to do with you and we both know this is your last excuse not pay the team which dropped your precious IMPACT _GAMING_

I didn't bother to reply to this, was fed up of him by this point, i gave simple instructions to get the players to contact me to give instruction on where the money should go, that never happened just ensam who had already conned me into sending it to you, bottom line would you trust him after that..... i think not!
I'm just curious, but didn't mind just tell you that the money you already gave was for chmpp since he has no paypal? Also if ensam tells you to give HIS money to mind's paypal, why wouldn't you? whats' the problem here?
And you happen to have the link to the original page of the tournament, where it says that it is indeed LAN final/semifinal?

Thanks :)
QuoteAnd you happen to have the link to the original page of the tournament, where it says that it is indeed LAN final/semifinal?

There was no such a thing, this is all bullshit made up by eVo.
Thats what I thought.
your not a very smart man are you eVo lol.
The only thing that this log proves is that you found some childish reason not to give MM their money. Who cares if you gave everything to mind and they didn't split it or whatever? It's their problem.

Oh and "Let's make lan finals so MM won't be able to play it" ... cmon, you could've guessed they would make it to the finals before creating the cup :)
If possible edit my email details off from this by the way, shows up on google :D!
cheers, was just trying to check out what my emails/name shows off google and a damm gaming was site was first coming up 8D
how come we were kicked instantly after winning impact? it was WB / LB final already. couldn't stand seeing your piece of shit wnb gaming lose it's own tournament?

and you can already stop with that "i really was going to host mASCULINE_AMNS ONLINE ET MASTERS EDITION WITH PRIZE MONEY" bull shit. You were never even considering hosting it after being convinced of us being cheaters. Here are the logs of your great conspiracy after we dropped Impact.

<mamut|RELOAd> or just remove Masculine mans cuz they arent coming to lan
<mamut|RELOAd> then we could play all matches on lan
<mamut|RELOAd> isnt this the best idea?
<eVo`ETM> yes it is
<eVo`ETM> but i cant just kick them
<mamut|RELOAd> well they are hacking anyway

<eVo`i> we reckon your the only ones who can beat Mans
<eVo`i> and we want a lan final
<eVo`i> not some hacking fins

"cant just kick them"
lolled, eVo is one piece of shitface =D
whether i personally believed you were hacking or not is my own opinion, as an admin i wasn't going to just kick you, in retrospect i should have just never let you compete since you had no intention of going to lan
this whole thing makes u look really unprofessional...
i agree :(
keep cool bro.
we need more Phoenix Wright here :o
Would be good to see an ESL tournament completely taking over C_ntBase OC/EC
last time it was very successful
Always good to see more for ET, even if it doesn't apply to me.
Why wouldn't you want that?
MouK 0 - 4 GzCon
MouK win by default.
Reason: GzCon player rizzle caught using 180 degree script
Punishment: Yellow card and forfeit match loss.
idea is nice but there will be like 2-3 lans and what if the 2 teams that reach the finals want to attend different lans and can't go to 2 lans? Kind of seems to me that then u should arrange the 2 finalists to get to the same lan. This idea has so many buts that...
i actually considered voting no (went for the 3rd option now), just because this poll is totally useless and people are expected to vote yes anyways.
Will be nice. Ain't many good cups around at the moment so gogo ! =)
R0SS is a fat sausage finger
So i guess you will understand if you are rejected from competing in the tournament.
who wouldnt want this?
TosspoT voted no, that says something imo. Keep the two tournament formats separate. Either play all matches at LAN or online only, not a mix of both.

Only way it would work properly would be for teams that have signed up and paid to attend an upcoming LAN, be allowed to enter the pre-LAN online (offline final) tournament.
if there are 2 LANs a year why cant you just play this cup online?
why not? even though my team seems to be banned from it!
Maybe talk to ur teamates and encourage them to support this sort of stuff.
You cant really beg for support when you wont let them win it :D:D
You are getting on peoples nerves for sure! Hhehehe <3
Someone has to :D!
Enough retards already haha :P
jetro, spiROZE, slajdan, Homer, Baggiez, Blindi, Roach, walle, Aggro, EliHbK, FiLuS, bitch, ArnonGrunberg, apple, ENSJQM, luuurtz, aCidz, wyAtt, BallackZ, An7ho, eiM, pumu, dEzIrE, m!das, arca, Hanibal, duNzy, potty, stib, Wakizashiuk, suVi, tOrM, DLUL, h3lix, koNe, miNd, mirror, rio, Raku, Fixate, waKIE, Poliisikoira, taZyaa and rANDOM0 are faggots!
Some of the people who voted no got their reasons why they won't participate in this league anymore.
Yea can't see why not, more competitions in ET the better. Give teams a reason to start playing again before next EC/lan.
High profile events I have absolutely no problem with, just really (and I mean really) don't see the need to play the finals at LAN. Why make the finals, where you are required to perform at your top level, part of a LAN event? I never really got the idea behind it. It definitely doesn't 'add to the atmosphere' or make it some sort of 'super amazing esport challenge'.
I like this comment.
Maybe you should get a life... Who takes games so seriously they would rather play them at their homes than at lan while chilling with Dutch people who are all so nice ppl ;D
So wait, not willing to travel 6666 km to play a computer game is serious?
If he stays at home for sake of performing better, he is taking it seriously!
I fucking love Dutch people.
I love fucking Dutch people.
Me too bro :E)
because if you get any funding from sponsors for the event then it is far more beneficial to them to have a LAN final, its higher publicity basically, alternatively its more likely to attract sponsors if they know it will be completed on LAN
in a game where 1% of the teams have sponsors thats the worst format ever
The money has to come from somewhere and if its not from an entrance fee then it has to be from sponsorship....
your thinking that sponsors are more important than players is probably why your both events were HORRIBLE
Actually i would say ET Masters season 1 was a total success, season 2 went slightly pear shaped because we tried to do too many leagues without enough resource to run it.
+1. the lan schedule is tight anyway
Sounds nice=)
first finnish lad with a positive comment =Þ i like!
and last one too
nah, maybe matias/squall/lepari
Of course, could be nice.
On the other hand this means that u have to make sure that the 2 top teams of the cup have enuff money to come to the LAN.

If they were already on 2 LANs this year it could be hard to pay the trips to a 3rd LAN.

But wait 5on5 is good for ET, more LANs but what would be with i.e. 10 LANs? Who would drive or has the money to drive even to only 5 LANs in a year? :D
If ET had 10 LANs a year, more orgs would be interested.
not sure if I got the money from 3rd place last time (might not be evo's fault though).
also didn't see the online cup as evo promised when suddenly et-masters was decided to have offline finals. (for masculine_mans basically). and I'm not here to whine about it since I don't want to stress about 12 euros.

please don't take this as a negative comment! I still like to see more cups like this for ET, it's good for it's promotion etc. I hope that this time TLR, evo w/e, really pay the prizes out and do the things that they promise! and I believe that is what will happen so I wish good luck for hosting the cup!

ps. anyway can't play it so I voted No! cups like this makes me want to play ET again. :p
I'll continue playing with your config to keep your spirit alive in ET.
haha lol :D
voted no. I have no interest spending time just that evo & friends could make own rules after losing games..get some real money first for prices and keep LAN_finals shit away from beginning to finish.
should start a poll to ban mind
Ban evo for creating scam-cups
so still now 6on6 or 5on5 vote, situation becoming more and more pathetic
there's not going to be a poll about it because everyone knows what the result would be.
What's ET Masters?: 25.7%

25% of newschoolers
Poll choices by Gokusan

Do you want to see another ET Masters? Yes

image: success_baby
who the fuck r u
where the fuck is Kevins pool

[e] Ban evo for creating scam-cups
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