
OK, so I've been cless since oC folded in dec/jan, and I'm getting bored of real life and work, so I'm thinking of finding a new clan:

I like to delude myself into thinking I'm reasonably skilled and I can play pretty much any class you want well (fops/med/soldier/rifle, in order of preference...)

Got good comms (english only tho), teamplay, awareness and activity, and I'm also pretty good at making and contributing to tactics.

Clan History:

Feb 2004 - Aug 2004 United Kingdom Organised Chaos
Sep 2004 - Mar 2005 Europe Who Dares Wins
Mar 2005 - Jun 2005 United Kingdom Team UK
Aug 2005 - Jan 2006 United Kingdom Organised Chaos (my resurrection attempt)

I'm not exactly a clan-hopper, as you can see...

I'm looking for a skilled(!) clan if I get clanned again. Contact me ([CB]Adacore) @ or #ochaos or or or any of the other dozen chans I idle in, or just msg me here.