Want a movie?

I'm available for a new project. You'd like one, or know someone who wants one? Read further.

What i want:
- games: ET, Q3 CPM (most wanted :) ), Warsow. i could do RTCW or ETQW as well
- demos with timemarks (at least 5-10 demos, the rest can be delivered after i decide)
ET, RTCW: frags vs. EC or OC div.1 (2 years ago :P), with tags only
Q3, Warsow: preferably frags from official events, but public will do as well if its really good
basicly the same for every game - no server settings abuse, new stuff (preferably something usefull)

- all suggestions are welcome

What you can expect:
- a high quality movie
- length from 3 to 5 minutes (maybe more if the content is really good)
- time until completion: unknown :P

The deadline to contact me is next saturday (20.10.07).

To contact me send a PM here on crossfire, or msg me on quakenet @ #TWK.

In order to save some people some time watching the demos and giving them false hope here is the list of front runners:
Q3 cpm - nothing yet :(
ETQW - copenhagen-eSport
nice! sometimes it's hard to find a moviemaker ;D
Looking forward to it!
Hmm.. ET:QW demo system actuallu working ?
dont think so, i've done testing from offline demos, and it was the same crap as in the demo
i bet you'll get thousands of queries :D

gl superboyy!
I still like your quality. <3 All those shit movies with niggah songs sux imo. ;<
you are the fanboy of a hated minority :( but still cool
how bout some big community-movie? :)
i was going to do CDC3 coverage, but the lack of interest from crossfire crew made it impossible

if i dont get a good suggestion until 20.10.07 maybe i'll post another topic asking for community frags
U should rly make a comunity movie :) is nice, and i cant the last one was fragarea3 , long time ago :<
make my fragmovie!
damn n1... looking forward 2 c finalwork (;
#tag.et looking for moviemaker.
Frags on a high level, and a lot of nice 'objective' frags.
They're so nice and highskilled that one of them makes it his goal to whine if they get fragged and dont get obj in first few trys?
Who would that be?
ask lugia <333333333
For once I agree with you :<

v. nice q3 player
I read some times ago on esr that lugia was making his own movie.
Take me, I have loads of demos, from 3-4 years of ET :D

Random pictures from my movies, which is sort of stranded :-/
image: fiend
image: FrEak187
image: optimal
image: mystic

If you (Superboyy) want, you can download an old fragmovie test that I did in 2005 (you can has link in pm).
nono.. pa bo spet en pametn movie za ga pogledat =) btw.. jst bi se za tlr odlocu lep team so mel pa mislm da bi najbols izpadl. :) gl supa

What you can expect:
- a high quality movie

Does this mean you'll finaly make high resolution movie?

GL with the project.
as if the quality is only resolution dependant...
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