oChaos folding, cless

With Czech Republic marv moving to the new Belgium cZar squad and Sweden Hellgoat joining the reincarnated Sweden noll8 (and Hungary phobeus going somewhere, I guess), I've decided to call it a day for the Europe oChaos team. We've been playing together, having fun and getting (some) good results since mid-July but unfortunately it has to come to an end. We're going to finish playing the 5v5 summercup, but pull out of our other competitions. I'd like to thank all the members for the good games (see my profile for a lineup, I'm a hits whore).

So, with the team dead, I'm looking for a skilled clan to join. I'm active pretty much 24/7, but I'm actually erring towards finding a team that wants me to play as backup to give me occaisional time to do other stuff (like eat); I can still be there whenever needed though. Of course I'll still consider 'first team' spots. I'm at least reasonably skilled and can play any class (although I'm a little rusty with rifle), and I'm not bad at tactics. Basically I want to join an EC level team, I'm in no particular hurry to find something so if nobody wants me just now (or ever) I'll just go back to admin/mapping/mercing for a bit...

edit: Oh, and I can speak United Kingdom English or United Kingdom English.

Contact me in #ochaos or #clanbase.et or #et.uk or #gamestv.org or any of the other 20 chans I idle in.
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