#ig (Yeah yeah again)

ok since ive been left in charge of the team, we kinda had a clearout, got ridda of the old squad so we can bring in the new!

#ig - inVidia gaming, part of #inVidia.et who are a multigaming clan and sponsor teams such as ocean6 , knatworst , and touppinki in et!

Anyway making a whole new lineup, and want it to be as skilled as possible (med/med+ hopefully).

What we want:
Good teamplayer with med/med+ aim
Must have working mic
Must speak and understand english very well.
No skill fakers!

We need at least 2 medics, a engy and a good rnader, so if ur cless avi and fill the above description pm me @ #ig or #inVidia.et (inVid-Ahm3d) <3

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