eLFI cless x[

Since highdef folded i need a new team....

Me Haz:

* Languages: United Kingdom & Anonymous
* Avi from 6:30 - 9:00/9:30 GMT
* Can play all classes if needed, but better as med/fop/engySMG
* Skill: med-/med i spose, ill leave that 2 u
* Contact: /q eLFI @ #Schnee, #Crossfire & #Winghaven
* Ex-clans @ Profile

You Haz:

* Stable Lineup
* Vent/Gameserver - TS sux2fux
* Very active
* Nice people and can have a laugh

Thanks, eLFI <3

PS: No point saying FLAME:ON or FLAME:OFF, because if u wanna flame me you will anyway =]
low+ mAx
gl elfi :D
gl elfi
I like it he is my child!
folded just because of one little problem?
fat GL to you
a "little" problem? afaik they got activity problems and often not enough members for train/wars and they lost their bouncers and their irc-channel xD
i wonder who stole the bouncers and the irc channel...
Good Luck
Omg no flame? comon guys ur lettin CF down!!
Lawl med-/med low+ max
yay here we gooo
gl elfi <3
elfi lol
gl net:elfi ;) :)
Good player, ;)

Gl elfi mate ;)
gl elfi :>
gl dude
low+ Belgium mAx
(There has to be some flame!!!)
Go eLFI skilled player !! Gl m8

Shake ya body anyway ;)
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