Radeon problem bnc reward :O

bought my agp radeon x1650 pro today
when im in et my screen freezed and the only solution is reboot
after 3min +- ingame it freeze)
what could be the solution?
overclocking was disabled by ati tray tool and still aint helping
some ppl said lack of suply power
its the second time it happening to me first with my radeon 9550 now this
and fcking radeon 9200 wrkng fine :|
posible solution plz :[ ?
1 BNC FOR LIFE for answer provider (yes im serios)
Power Supply Capacity?
you need a better power supply
more infos plz.

gpu temperature@load?

for long long time i had the same with my 9800pro. the pc freez after 3-4 minutes. dont know what the solution was (too long ago).

try this
ati s freezing if you have the wrong drivers
drivers updated
3times tryied with alot of combos (drivers)
temperature fine
my comp is good enought by ram and memory
the only thing i dont know is my watts (how to check it) andhow much i need

System hangs, VPU Recover errors or corrupted display when using ATI PCI-Express graphics cards in ASUS Motherboards

The information in this article applies to the following configurations:

* ATI RADEON X300/X600/X800 series PCIe graphics card
* ASUS Intel 915/925 or nForce4 based motherboard

In some instances, when PEG Link Mode is set to a value other than Slow within the BIOS setup, users may experience system instability resulting in graphics corruption, video memory or VPU Recover errors.

ASUS has recently introduced a new BIOS feature called PEG Link Mode. This feature is available for both AMD and Intel based motherboards and allows the user to increase the engine and memory clocks on the graphics card.

The five user configurable options are:

* Auto
* Slow
* Normal
* Fast
* Faster

By default the feature is set to Auto, which is the same as "Normal". However, the Normal setting still slightly overclocks the video card by almost 8%.

The PEG Link Mode value must be set to "Slow" in order to disable the overclocking feature, and allow for proper functionality. To set the PEG Link Mode to Slow, please refer to the steps below:

* Enter System BIOS
* Open Advanced menu -> open the Chipset menu
* Locate PEG Link Mode
* Change setting to Slow

can u say me the name of the psu?
i am trying to find it now in my bios
btw if u can try plz to find me update for the bios
the mother board serial is ASUS P4S800D

edit : 2.8gb psu
also i tryied to find that bios crap only found some drem timing with slow-fast ability :\ maybe wrong bios version indd?
for the motherboard
but the download didnt work
tomorow il update my bios as i get it from my flopy and stuff
hopefully il get what u said i need in new bios and remove my problem
as i see it imo not XD never the less maybe
tnx for help (if works il contact u :P)
"edit : 2.8gb psu"

A PSU with 2.8 GB sounds very unlikely: =D

PSU = Power Supply Unit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:PSU_650.jpg

You have to open the computer and look on the PSU. The brand and specification (Watt) should be on a sticker somewhere.
uninstall/reinstall drivers
format , can i has a bnc
CPU: 4 CPU 2.80GB

nice weed :O
i had that problem also
i installed rivatuner and downclocked a bit.. till the freeze moments stopped.. i aint got any freezes anymore..
try it out.
et freezes or comp? take screenshot of et if you can :>
buy new computer
I had the same problem with my 9600 pro.

My solution was waiting till ATI had compatible drivers for my card.

Yes that card is old now, but hen I bought it , ATI didn't had the right drivers for it ...

You can alsways try tweaked drivers.

And I also bought a new power supply.
When I had that I found a cable in the box of the gfx card, which was for extra independant power. Simply attached it to the card, other end to a powersupplyconnector. Guyz in the store simply forgot to do that.
buy nvidia
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