mouse and display settings

I had the feeling a lot of new players are around lately and wondering what they can do with mouse settings. I like to answer some unasked questions here, or at least, give my point of view on this topic. Maybe some players will add some info's?

After applying the accelfix.exe and having windows accel "disabled", what happenend?

well, if you had your register settings like:

mousespeed "0"
mousetresshold1 "0"
mousetresshold2 "0"

then it is normal if you don't feel any changes. It is practically the same result.

Some players play ET with changed register values, like this for example:

mousespeed "2"
mousetresshold1 "2"
mousetresshold2 "5"

That will be useless when you use the accelfix.exe. You can set any value without having the sensitivity changed. But when you are not using the accelfix.exe, values like these will be used as pointer precision setting; raising the sensitivity. Check it, if you change the register values to 2,2,5 (very high precision) and do a reboot, the box "pointer precision" will be checked at mouse properties! The default pointer precision setting (what you get for checking the box, without manually setting the values) is 1,6,10 (not so very high precision) !!!if you click on "ok" in the mouse properties tab, you will change the setting to 1,6,10!!! so click the red cross if you just wanna check without changing the values in the register, or, even better, keep the box unchecked (argueable, I know).

If you have a razer mouse and use the mouseware, you can check the register settings after each change at the windows precision setting in the mouseware.

Netherlands perfo (<3 cheers for the feedback long time ago, way before your ban) claims to use the 2,2,5 setting, but I'm pretty sure most players use the 0,0,0 setting or the accelfix.exe (same result) Then again, if he uses the accelfix.exe the 2,2,5 settings won't do anything. Placebo!!

USBRATE/mouse Hz: 500 Hz is good! Even at very spastic mouse movement your pointer position will be up to date as it should be.

DPI: If you have negative accel, and you don't like it, go for 400 or max 800 DPI.
If you like the fact that your pointer is faster at slow mouse movement, and slower at fast mouse movement, keep your 2000 or w/e DPI.

FPS: keep it around your displayrefresh. Don't play on pubs where fps affects your jumping, like on BiO, or make sure you have com_maxfps 125 fps there. (check it out if you are still able to jump on a high box.)

Syncing displayrefresh (screen Hz) and fps is the best for smooth play.

Settings recommended imo:

75 Hz: 76 fps
85 Hz: 86 fps
100 Hz: 100 fps
120 Hz: 125 fps

Only applies for crt monitor's. TFT/LCD screen's refreshrate is not important to sync with fps.
Cheers to Belgium overdrive for sharing these kinds of information when I was noob at this shit.
old screenshot, from time I was active in clan (noob though) xD

image: 98hf2b
Why are you answering unasked questions?
good question! ok, I had this text written allready, and I felt it needed to be posted, as it might keep some players playing ET instead of dropping out having the feeling others won't share any info on mouseshit = disadvantage.
Its good though i gtta say.
I know you will get a lot of flame just by posting this, but at least know that Zodiac apriciated it. ;]

Maybe I'll lower my DPI..
Any math I can do that can help me set the right sensitivity in ET after I've lowered my DPI?

And btw, I didn't understand shit about the accelfix.exe-thing.. All I want to know; How can I know if I don't got any accel at all? =)
visit RaZiel :p
QuoteSyncing displayrefresh (screen Hz) and fps is the best for smooth play.

Settings recommended imo:

75 Hz: 76 fps
85 Hz: 86 fps
100 Hz: 100 fps
120 Hz: 125 fps

crap... u ll get tron no smooth screen :)
smoother :) like try 76 fps and 120 Hz displayrefresh with crt, you will see what I mean, what the difference is with synced settings.
best imo is:

100hz (ctr monitor)
500hz (mouse)

and ur fps are like w/e...
but if u use now 100 fps... its torn!
hehe leuke potjes gespeeld tegen dikketrip :-)
:) orly!! yeh was fun! BB4E eh!
met FAC ook tegen jullie wel eens gespeeld dunkt mij, vast ook nog wel met andere teams. :-)
ja idd maar BB4E was de 1e :) Dat was echt lekker die tijd, de spanning en shit xD

das alweer bijna 3 jaar geleden lol

goede ouwe tijd, wat was ET toen nog leuk
75 Hz = 100 fps imo :)
100hz and 100fps u will give you a tearing affect tho?
and i thought it was always better playing with higher hz than fps?
ye i think i get that aswell
Tearing effect ?
Anyway, playing with bigger hz than fps is simply stupid, try to put your screen @ 120 hz and play with 71 fps, game will be croppy as hell. (with swapinterval)
And about swapinterval, I notice that @ 100 hz & 100 fps with swapinterval 1, game is damn smooth, which doesnt happen @ swapinterval .
swapinterval 1 is bugged in et so :o
Thanks for that, but i think you forget a part about ( mouse setting, using setpoint implementation for example for logitech users ... )
Is it useless to install drivers ? why ?
That are personal preferences, not really worthy to write about. Though I gotto say, if you use changed registry settings, mouseware like setpoint will overwrite those files when you install it. Some say "never use mouseware"and some say "allways use mouseware" it's really a personal preference.
1) accelfix.exe and the registry settings:
Theres a difference between 0,0,0 and using accelfix.exe. ET makes a faulty API call enabling the enhanced pointer precision.

2) dpi and negative accel:
There are way more factors than just dpi (resolution, fps, windows sensitivity, in-game sensitivity, ...). Using 2000 dpi doesn't mean getting negative accel.

3) sync:
75/76, 85/86, 120/125 isn't really synchronizing. That's plesiochronous (= near sync). But that's just nitpicking. :P
Nice, I just read about that faulty API shit and I allready thought it would fix the accel at it's origin, unlike the 0,0,0 setting, but the feeling is exact the same in ET. But when playing Quake3 you can defenitely notice the difference between using the accelfix or not using the accelfix. This has smth to do with direct input as well?
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