
Anybody can give me walljump script for example sd wall jumps etc?
-flamers plsdie kkthxbb
Or better yet, L2Jump. :s
Try to learn them w/o any fucking scripts, its allways better
omg nub.. gimme auto aim script...
u just need to practice, and u can do it by urself.
MMm, i recommend u to learn it yourself, it comes in handy alot those trickjumps/strafejumps
wtf?!?! walljumpSCRIP!?!? :D
butchji nub too yes? cause he using too so?plsdie -.-
Butchji makes up for his lack of jump skills.
since you seems very friendly i'll give you my all tricks script: my ass ye
you mean icanseethroughwalls script?
me wants ! :D
bind x "com_maxfps 100;+forward; +sprint; wait 10; +moveup; -sprint; wait 30; -moveup; wait 100; -forward;com_maxfps 100; wait 20; com_maxfps 125
LNA Trickjump
I still couldn't do most the jumps, even with scripts so i deleted them :<
do you need them? ...
do those work :D
please.. thats just sad =/
dont be guttin x)
pmme on irc I can give it to you /q `Hope
I'm using it aswell for east rock jump @ sd, I can do it without but success is more guaranteed with it!
"seta pmove_fixed 5000" and u can fart urself over the damn wall....
xD Now i can die happy
> profile > config
eazy to do, i dont need scripts ! :<
bind x "set pmove_fixed 1; +movedown; +back; wait 17; -back; -movedown; wait 80; +sprint; +forward; wait 4; +moveup; wait 90; -moveup; -forward; -sprint;"

next time use SEARCH button on top
Which jump? Where to stand, when I start the script?
on east on 2nd stage of the stone
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