graph settings

i need very low graphic settingz :) for gforce 2 64mb :P
r_displayrefresh 0
r_nocull 0
r_wolffog 0
r_glDriver OPENGL32
r_allowExtensions 1
r_ext_compressed_textures 1
r_ext_gamma_control 1
r_ext_multitexture 1
r_ext_compiled_vertex_array 1
r_glIgnoreWicked3D 0
r_ext_ATI_pntriangles 0
r_ati_truform_tess 0
r_ati_truform_normalmode GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_LINEAR
r_ati_truform_pointmode GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_LINEAR
r_ati_fsaa_samples 0
r_ext_NV_fog_dist 0
r_nv_fogdist_mode GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV
r_ext_texture_env_add 1
r_clampToEdge 1
r_texturebits 16
r_colorbits 16
r_depthbits 24
r_stereo 0
r_stencilbits 0
r_mode 4
r_intensity 1.4
r_mapoverbrightbits 3
r_overBrightBits 0.9
r_picmip 3
r_roundImagesDown 0
r_detailtextures 0
r_ignorehwgamma 1
r_fullscreen 1
r_customaspect 0
r_simpleMipMaps 0
r_subdivisions 20
r_ignoreFastPath 0
r_lodCurveError 60
r_lodscale 5
r_lodbias 2
r_flares 0
r_ignoreGLErrors 1
r_fastsky 1
r_drawSun 0
r_drawFoliage 0
r_dynamiclight 0
r_dlightBacks 1
r_finish 0
r_swapInterval 0
r_gamma 3
r_facePlaneCull 1
r_railWidth 16
r_railCoreWidth 1
r_railSegmentLength 32
r_primitives 0
r_trisColor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
r_normallength 0.5
r_highQualityVideo 0
r_inGameVideo 0
that will probably make it look like good old wolfenstein 3d
I see everything + something I should not see with this cfg and it gives me stable 125fps almost everywhere though Im playing with 76.
or extreme: r_texturemode gl_nearest
I haven't tweaked my cfg to the maximum. :)
go play drakan order of the flame... lovely game ;) came with my geforce2 years ago as testgame
Try my cfg >.> most know for good fps!
ok ill try thanks :)
i hate maps like grush or bremen :[
Did my cfg help? ;-)
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