punkbuster b again

kk, i already made a journal about this , but no1 seems to have a solution so now i make a topic about it cause its so fucking anoying.

I NEED A SOLUTION FOR PUNKBUSTERB cause my pc is lagging like shit with it :<
Better give a solution
Try to deinstall the pb services completly and install it again.
how do deinstal pb ?
Well, I guess it won`t work anyways, but just deinstall it with the Windows deinstall function.
Or restart ET after every map. It`s working at least for me...
helps for me to :)
More solutions are welcome :)
how about turning it off in the ctrl+alt+delete thinge?
got kicked when i did that
comon einsteins more solutions :<
write to ebalance and ask about disable pb :D
1) go to hardware shop
2) buy a decent mobo and CPU
3) get some ram
4) new shiney PSU
5) gfc card
6) install the whole crap

Now the tricky bit
Double click, yes double click (that means 2 times) on the ET shortcut , voila it runs. OMGAWD
i cant even begin to count the endless amount of ppl that think ur funny
u cant count till 1 ?
I wasnt trying to be funny, he needed a solution, i simply told him how to solve his lag issue.
Now why dont you find another way to be a dick, Dick.
if thats ur way of helping u must be mentally challenged...
And a tid short tempered
I see, seems like you have me all figured out. Peado.
only based on ur responses thus far. And u havent proven me wrong yet. bibuy
wait! WHO is the 1?!
the one who made that "joke"
I got a nice PC (check my profile) and still suffer badly from pbb lags... got some solution to me as well?
play on servers w/o PB xD .. Btw same resault..but more public cheaters there.
I don't think there's an universal solution to this problem... Or even a common cause for the lag. It's just there.

Things I've tried:
- Changing ET's thread priority (no help, and you can't lower PBB's priority)
- Disabling all unnecessary services that might interfere with PB
- Terminating PBB after it has started (results in a kick from the server)
- Removing and re-installing all Punkbuster services with pbsvc.exe
- Reinstalling ET and removing all unnecessary shit from the folder
- Disabling firewall and anti-virus software
- New graphic card drivers (can't go wrong with this one, even though it never solves anything...)
- Limiting PBB thread processor usage with external software (HA, it's protected!)

None of the above did any good. I'm getting lags in about 5 to 10 second intervals, with PBB eating 10 to 20% of my CPU. Stable 100 fps has turned into 50 to 85 fps with an allround feeling of laggyness, which has made the game unplayable.

image: pbb2
And the fact that it happens on every comp eventho you would have a top of the line machine. ( e6700,2g ram,x2900xt, 10 000rpm westerdigital hard drive) I dont have the fps drops but the game just stops for some milliseconds once in a while like i would have a ping of 999.
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