
What it does? I turned it to 0 and I cant see any difference. :P
unlocks display resolution
Why do you need an alternative account, "Slarto"?
No valid answer = both accounts banned for life.
I think u should ban everyone with fakeaccounts
ban Gabr1el
Dunno who that guy is, so u can ban him if u want!
squalli @ powermad
Its easier to follow actions of the so-called "retards" around crossfire that way, idiiiot.
koska se on nii retardi ja omistaa liian ison egon kysyäksee toisilla tunnuksilla. life is.

ja tosiaan se vaikuttaa siihen miten ne pixelit näkyy sun ruudulla.
:DDDDD kellähä se täällä on ego :D ja katoppa mitä oon näillä tunnuksilla kirjotellu, oon kyselly nimittäi ihan yhtä paljo.

ja ihan samal taval ne pikselit näkyy. ^^ lol
ei mulla oo isoa egoa :<
r_customxxx values will apply only if you set r_mode -1 and define resolution by custom values .
he's talking about r_customaspect, not r_customwidth and r_customheight
I never tried that command o_o
munakerho @ offtopic @ mun topic!
what it SHOULD do is apply aspect-ratio corrections for non 1x1 pixel screens.

For instance. Tons of plasma's have a 1024x768 resolution, however it's widescreen. This would mean that with that resolution a pixel is not a perfect square but it's wider. r_customaspect should be the setting to take care of this by setting it to 1.33 for instance. However, afaik r_customaspect does not work in ET.

Normally you would calculate the aspect ratio correction like this (for a 16:9 widescreen)

(vert.res. / 9) / (hor.res. / 16) = Aspect ratio correction needed

so for a 1024x768 plasma screen with a 16:9 format screen it would be

(768/9) / (1024/16) = 1.33333333333333333
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