Map testers (teams/players) needed

With the mapping project that I've been working on getting to a stage where it's pretty playable, I'm looking for testers, either players or teams to do some proper playtesting.

I want people who are prepared to learn the map then give useful, detailed feedback. This will also be more than just a couple of games of testing, so ideally I'd like people who can commit to a reasonable amount of play-time. Either individual players or whole/parts of teams would be cool. I guess the ideal would be to have a few teams at every skill-level, but just a nice mix-team with the patience to learn and try basic tactics and stuff would be cool.

I'm not really sure on times for this either, pretty much whenever (14CET-06CET) is good for me, so just tell me when you're av (or ideally turn up with two full teams ready to start testing ;) ) and I'll try and work something out.

Please also remember that the map is in alpha and I'm a noobish mapper so it looks pretty ugly atm and has some significant flaws (haven't done any lighting - it's just a meta compile, and it's not properly caulk-hulled in some areas so the FPS may not be great after the first stage)...

So, if anyone is available and prepared to put in the time to help test please contact me either here or on IRC, you can probably work out where I am. I could probably use a Ventrilo server and maybe a game server if people are generous and happen to have spares lying around (as you do).
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