is still looking for clan !!!

is looking for some nice and good 6o6 clan ! I can also fill backup spot ,prefer semi-active clan

Something about mE:!
-17 years old Finlander ! I can play úsually on monday,wednesday,sunday and sometime on friday !
-I can play medic,fop, panzer or if u really need i can paly rifle !
-I have played ET 3 years so I have some "nice skills".
-I can speak some funny languages like english and finnish etc !
-EX-clans in my ûber profile !

U should bE:
-Playing in cups etc
-Have some skill!

for more info ,contact me via IRC @qnet KUMMITUSELAIN or pmme me @crossfire !

random song:Sugababes - Push the button
GL niceguy :))
gl kipsutin:))<3
check ya pmz.
Geeli on nimitys heterogeeniselle seokselle (kolloidisysteemille), jossa huokoisen kiinteän aineen sisäosa on täynnä nestettä. Geeli on suspension kaltainen seos. Geeli eroaa suspensiosta siten, että geelissä kiinteä aine imee nestettä itseensä ja turpoaa. Tätä ei tapahdu suspensiossa.

Geelissä jatkuva faasi (ulkofaasi) on kiinteä ja dispergoitunut faasi (sisäfaasi) on neste.
"QUITTED PLAYING ET ACTIVILY .I don't have enough motivation anymore"
ACTIVILY ,so I am playing semactivily u know ?
I wouldn't now, anything beyond what is said on your profile page.
name faker... DIE ! :p
namefaker ?
kipe.. kipa... mmm.. dont u see it ?
yes ,but I have used KIPE nick longer than u have used kipa nick tbh
lal have this name for over 1.5 years now and start playing with it ..
lal have this name for over 4 years
would say the same if some one said that number.. and ur topic says have played for 3 years so stfu with ur 4 years..
.... I have played ET 3 years and I played some random games before that about 1-3 years ,and if u have any kind of math skills it is over 4 years
blablabla... u gonna lie more or what ?
that is truth believe it or not ,your choice
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