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Well, I was away from ET more than half-year, and I thought i never will play ET again, but here I'm Looking for a clan where i can play some wars.

Nick: fjellah, fjellatio, fJELLAN
old clans: o2; bSTURZ
skill: skilled :D
classes: mainly medic

U can contact me @ #bSTURZ or #hyf

GL i guess :)
nice to see u back !
wb, but ET is changed alot in a negative way imo :( gl
yes.. its key from internet =)
lots of ppl are using it =)
Well u must be retarded or havent got the information about that scandal.
This problem has solved long time ago, Thanks to my buddy HK, if u got more information about that go and have a word with him.
Jesus dude. peace
i must b retarded if i dont know every thing that happened in ET scene ?
ok. relax dude..
edu fella
im struggling to understand how 'skilled' is a skill...its just a play on the shortened version and doesnt make any sense to me at all :<<<
tubli laskja,

great shooter and has something between two ears, brain! :O
so your ban expired?
He never had a ban :x
I play with him a 3v3 and it's a nice guy and skilled !!
gl my fjellah :)
U too my love.: D
ET is much skilled than before 1 year..
Now everybody hax.. so i think you are from your expirence med+
and aim usw. med ..
so GL (hope u are better) :D
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